Christians Are AWOL in the Current Crisis
By Cliff Kincaid In his book, Stockholm Syndrome Christianity, Dr. John West wonders if American culture is collapsing because “many leading Christians identify more with secular elites than with their fellow believers.” He calls this “Stockholm syndrome,” where hostages come to accept their captivity and even accept the authority of their kidnappers. He says Christian leaders are siding with their anti-Christian cultural captors “on everything from biblical authority and science to sex, race, and religious liberty.” That’s a fascinating take on current events, raising a host of concerns on many issues and even Trump nominations that have come to the forefront during the first few weeks of the new Trump Administration. In the latest controversy, as federal courts are trying to stop the Trump agenda, Christians are faced with a quandary. Will they support Trump if he defies the courts? So far, Christians have mostly been AWOL on key issues and nominations. For example:
Of all these controversies, his pandering to the abortion lobby, gays, and stoners (by supporting marijuana legalization on a state-by-state basis), was very disconcerting to many Christians because they involve cultural collapse. New Age expert Constance Cumbey is more alarmed by the general direction of the Trump Administration on domestic and foreign policy. Adopting what she claims is the Biblical prophecy view of things, she thinks Trump’s second term is an example of the Biblical passage about the Beast that was dead that has come back to life and that he will use technology to implement the “ominous prophecies of Revelation 13 regarding the mark of the Beast” through his sidekick and “enforcer” Elon Musk. She thinks Trump is in hock to Musk, who she regards as a sinister figure with investments in AI and brain transplants, because of his immense wealth. Of course, there is another point of view on all this, and that is that Trump is implementing his “America First” agenda and shaking up Washington and the world, and that Musk’s super intelligence is absolutely essential in this vast undertaking. Cumbey is currently concerned about Trump’s apparent defiance of court orders against his cost- cutting and agency closing. VP Vance contends that “Judges aren't allowed to control the executive’s legitimate power.” The fake news media are up in arms, with Bloomberg calling the conflict a “dangerous legal game” and asserting that Trump’s “unprecedented order” that suspended the bulk of government expenditures “is widely considered by constitutional law scholars to be an unlawful power grab.” That’s just Bloomberg’s liberal opinion, based on one liberal “expert” by the name of Noah Feldman writing in another Bloomberg outlet, Bloomberg Opinion. Cumbey accepts the liberal view, lamenting the fact that Trump may be following the lead of his favorite president, Andrew Jackson. When the Supreme Court ruled against him in a famous case involving American Indians, Jackson was quoted as saying that Chief Justice “John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it.” He openly defied the Court. The fact is that the courts lack any real power to enforce their decisions, and that the executive branch is entitled to its own interpretation of the Constitution. This is the reality. “Democracy in America is being destroyed by judicial coup,” Musk declared, citing judicial obstruction. You don’t have to have a law degree to accept that view. So what is the Christian position on that? Remaining silent as a “constitutional crisis” emerges is not a correct course of action. Bloomberg dredged up someone named Jennifer Hillman, identified as “co-director of the Center on Inclusive Trade and Development,” as saying that Trump’s tariffs on steel and aluminum are “not legal” under U.S. and international law. So we can expect the courts to rule against Trump on this one. Fox located a contrary opinion from Jed Rubenfeld, a Yale Law School professor, lawyer, and constitutional scholar, who said he agreed with Vance that judges cannot “constitutionally interfere” with executive branch decisions. Many Americans would welcome defiance of the Court. Millions of lives could have been saved if the President and Congress had defied the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion on demand. When the Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay marriage, Justice Antonin Scalia said we were experiencing a “judicial Putsch,” or secret power grab. Like the abortion ruling, Scalia said this was not only the creation of a “right” that does not exist, but a decision that depends on public ignorance about what is really taking place. It is our system of checks and balances and self-rule that has been undermined, he said. The Court has been destroying the Christian foundations of our culture. President Trump is far from a dictator. In 2020, when the election was stolen from him through mail-in voting shenanigans, he could have invoked limited martial law to allow the U.S. Military to oversee a new free and fair federal election. That was the option when legislators, courts and the Congress did not follow the Constitution and gave control over elections to unelected courts in the various states. Instead, he vacated the office. I think Christians would and should support defiance of the courts, even the Supreme Court. It’s time for a constitutional confrontation.
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![]() The Tulsi Gabbard Cover-Up is Unraveling By Cliff Kincaid Did anybody in the Trump transition or Trump administration bother to read the Tulsi Gabbard book on her extreme makeover from socialist Democrat to MAGA Republican? I just poured through this book, wondering how on earth Alexa Henning, a spokesperson for Trump’s transition team, was able to claim to the Honolulu Civil Beat outlet that Gabbard “has no affiliation” with the Science of Identity Foundation, a notorious New Age cult on the Hawaiian Islands. Gabbard’s book continues the cover-up, highlighting only that she meditates daily and that she is a Hindu. However, a journalist who has covered her career, Andrew Walden of Hawaii Free Press, gave me an explosive interview for my new Rumble channel on how she follows the dictates of cult leader Chris Butler, a “white surfer dude” who discovered that he had a divine mission and is now her guru. His current objective is to use Tulsi Gabbard as his liaison to the Hindu government in India and give him special recognition and status. That makes her nomination a national security issue. But as Trevor Loudon also told me in another interview, there is a communist connection to all of this. We have also now discovered that her guru Chris Butler is a “Red Diaper Baby,” born to the “Red Doctor of Molokai,” his father, who was a personal physician to Jack Hall of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, known worldwide as the ILWU, which dominates the Democratic Party. Hall was a top communist in the ILWU in Hawaii. Gabbard received the ILWU endorsement when running for office. Hawaii was the breeding ground for Barack Hussein Obama when he was young and under the influence of Frank Marshall Davis, a communist, and smoking a lot of marijuana while in the “Choom Gang.” For background, consider our report, “Communism in Hawaii and the Obama Connection.” Gabbard, Trump’s nominee for Director of National Intelligence, was born and raised in the cult, a spin-off from the Hare Krishna movement, also known as the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). They practice yoga and believe in such concepts as Karma and reincarnation. The regard Jesus Christ as only a son of God or “spiritual master” who sacrificed his life for spreading “God consciousness.” Gabbard is not heading up Trump’s new White House Faith Office. That title went to the controversial televangelist Paula White, now a topic of concern in the Christian community. But Gabbard’s post is even more important, since she will supervise 18 spy agencies and brief President Trump on national security daily. Even if one is not concerned about Gabbard’s New Age credentials, her close association with and sympathy for the Hindu nationalist regime in India headed by Narendra Modi should be enough of a red flag. It will clearly compromise her ability to put America First as DNI. At her confirmation hearing, she claimed she wouldn’t be a “puppet” for Modi or a “guru’s puppet,” an obvious reference to Butler. She claimed raising the issue is bigotry and uses her military service and deployment to war zones as a prop to deflect questions about her controversial background. Not a Puppet of India? Modi met Gabbard, when she was a Democrat and presidential candidate, on September 27, 2019, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York. Watch the video here. Gabbard greeted him with folded hands, put a garland around his neck, and then gave him a “namaste,” or demonstration of respect sometimes said to mean “bowing to you.” She once also presented her personal copy of Bhagavad Gita, the Hindu holy book, to Modi, one outlet stated. Later, Gabbard dropped out of that race and endorsed Joe Biden for president. She “converted” to MAGA later, when she had worn out her welcome in the Democratic Party. Gabbard’s statement on the meeting identified her as “a former Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans” who has “promoted greater trade between Hawai‘i and India, leading the successful effort to formally create a Sister-State relationship between Hawai‘i and Goa, India.” Not mentioned was the fact that India is a member of the BRICS alliance of nations that also includes Brazil, Russia, China, and South Africa. Trump says BRICS is comprised of “seemingly hostile countries” and is a danger to the American economic and financial system. Gabbard’s book, which carries the title, “For Love of Country,” makes you wonder which country she is talking about. Her book also talks a lot about God, without making it clear what God she is talking about. Her God is certainly not the Christian God. Her name, Tulsi, is a Hindu reference to the goddess Tulasi, and the “sacred” or “holy” plant known as Tulsi or Tulasi. She didn’t choose that name, of course. It was decided by her parents, themselves reportedly members of the cult. The Constitution says there shall be no required religious test for public office in America (Article VI, Section 3), a section usually interpreted as designed to prevent one Christian denomination from gaining state power over another. But Gabbard’s involvement in a radical off-shoot from a foreign-based religion is something else entirely. Her nomination as DNI is unprecedented for someone with foreign ties, not to mention her “previous” career as a top Democrat and Bernie Sanders supporter. Eastern religions teach that man can become God through meditation, yoga, or mystical experiences and that God is within. Many are based at the United Nations, which operates a “Meditation Room” where U.N. officials communicate with Mother Earth, Gaia, or other “spiritual” entities. For background on these activities in America rather than Hawaii, take some time to examine New Vrindaban in West Virginia or Integral Yoga, with its international headquarters known as “Yogaville,” in Virginia. Why Christianity is Different By contrast, Christianity teaches that man is radically apart from God and that Jesus Christ bridges that gap through acceptance by faith of his death and resurrection. In Christianity, the only man who is God is Christ. The Bible also cites His appearances after his death not only to his disciples but groups of five hundred people (1 Corinthians 15:1-11.) Yet many Christian groups in America are eagerly embracing Gabbard while ignoring her New Age philosophy and ties to the Hindu nationalist regime in India, which is engaged in the persecution of minorities like Christians, Muslims, and Sikhs, and under a “Genocide Warning” for the accelerating attacks on religious minorities. Indeed, that regime has been involved in arranging assassination plots in the United States directed against political opponents. For followers of the Science of Identity Foundation like Gabbard, Chris Butler is considered a representative of God on earth. They pay homage to him, with Andrew Walden asserting that his followers eat his toenails to gather divine strength. There is a photo of Gabbard placing flowers at an altar with Butler’s picture on it. Yet Trump spokesperson Henning says she has no association with the cult. It is a lie that is designed to get Christians to accept and promote her nomination as DNI. For global context and what this could mean for the “America First” agenda, consider that President Trump just signed a document cutting off foreign aid to the majority black communist government of South Africa, a member of BRICS, because it embarked on a program of confiscating land from white people and conducts an anti-Semitic foreign policy targeting Israel. My 16-page report on long-time South African President Nelson Mandela’s membership in the South African Communist Party provides back-up to what Trump has done, when he just terminated foreign aid to South Africa and declared that the black racist government engages in “hateful rhetoric and government actions” which fuel “violence against racially disfavored landowners,” that is, white people. By the same token and using the same approach, Trump should reassess the Gabbard nomination, based not only on her cult involvement but sympathy for a Hindu nationalist government in India that has long been regarded as a virtual Soviet/Russian client state. Indian scholars have described India as having been completely infiltrated by the Soviet KGB and even suggest Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was a KGB puppet with a KGB code name. Modi is scheduled to visit Washington, D.C. on February 12-13 and meet with Trump. The President should take the same approach to India that he has taken with South Africa: no more foreign aid! At this point, it must be clear to Trump, who was misled about her communist and New Age background, that Gabbard is the wrong person for the sensitive post of DNI and may be operating as a foreign agent for India. MAGA people should reject this “India First” agenda. Christians should wake up and demand the nomination be pulled. Why are they strangely silent?
![]() Above: Fraunces Tavern Make the Monroe Doctrine Great Again By Cliff Kincaid It’s interesting to talk about an American takeover of Gaza. But the terrorists must be defeated there by Israel, not America. We have a Gaza of our own in the Western hemisphere. Closer to home, what we desperately need is the liberation of Communist Cuba. That would really send a message to the “international community.” It’s time to think about how this can and should be done. Perhaps a new CIA under John L. Ratcliffe can help. Ratcliffe has already indicated he wants answers relating to the health problems known as “Havana syndrome,” affecting U.S. diplomats, intelligence personnel and military officials overseas. It is named after the brain damage experienced by U.S. diplomats in Cuba. After it was first documented in 2016, resulting in numerous official investigations, the federal government under Biden said it has still not figured out what happened. It blamed “gaps” in the intelligence gathered on foreign enemies and adversaries. In any case, we know Havana is the problem. But the damage caused by this communist regime goes back decades and even includes the murder of an American president. America already has rights to Gitmo, Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, where Trump is sending criminal illegal aliens to bunk with Islamic terrorists. After securing the southern border, liberating Cuba should be the logical next step. Then Trump can send the communist leaders from Cuba and other countries in the western hemisphere to Gitmo to stand trial and face the death penalty. All of this would make the Monroe Doctrine great again. This is called “thinking outside the box.” Trump is good at it. With his focus on the invasion of America, Trump has recognized that, under Biden (and Obama), the Monroe Doctrine was dead but that communism was not. However, Communist China’s control of the Panama Canal is not the only or even the major concern. The big problem is Communist Cuba. The Cuban-backed narco-terrorist Communist FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) had once produced a comic book for kids showing the communist hammer and sickle going for the guts of Uncle Sam. Now a former communist terrorist, Gustavo Petro, is running Colombia. He is the same guy who refused to take back criminals in America from Colombia. He folded under pressure. But Colombia and Panama aren’t the only problems south of the border. Incredibly, the liberal show “60 Minutes” on June 19, 2022, once ran a story about the communists in Nicaragua inviting the Russian military into the country. This is an old story. Vladimir Putin made a visit to Nicaragua back in 2014 and had talks with President of Nicaragua Daniel Ortega in Managua. The background is that, after Obama Secretary of State John Kerry had declared in 2013 that the Monroe Doctrine was dead, Vladimir Putin followed by traveling to Brazil, Argentina, Nicaragua and Cuba. This wasn’t an accident. The Obama administration was inviting aggression against the U.S. and the invasion through the southern border. Argentina has since been liberated by the people themselves through elections. The Cuban people don’t have that option. The Monroe Doctrine was supposed to protect U.S. national security interests in the Western hemisphere by prohibiting foreign meddling in America’s backyard. Since then, the situation has deteriorated. Colombia was just the latest Latin American country to go communist. Petro’s vice presidential candidate Francia Marquez declared, “We women are going to eradicate this country’s patriarchy. We’re going to fight for the rights of our Mother Earth.” The Victims of Communism Museum is now open, but it may lead people to think that communism is dead. The museum is sponsored by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, “an educational, research, and human rights nonprofit devoted to commemorating the more than 100 million victims of communism around the world and to pursuing the freedom of those still living under totalitarian regimes.” In addition, there are the millions dead and injured from the China virus. The virus was not a “bad cold,” as some idiots claim. Some peculiar symptoms include the loss of smell and loss of taste. Evidence shows COVID-19, a highly contagious disease, damages the brain, causing long COVID. We have still not seen the end of this. Communism is alive and well in the United States. As we wait for more documents regarding the JFK assassination, let’s don’t forget what we already know about the evidence of the Communist role in the murder of JFK. The Soviet KGB also had a role, through meetings with JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico and his defection to Soviet Russia. They then tried to mask their involvement through a disinformation campaign called “Dragon Operation,” an effort to shift blame for Kennedy’s murder away from the communists. The Cubans wanted Kennedy dead because he had opposed the Cuban revolution, tried to overthrow Castro, and tried to have Castro assassinated. In his last prepared speech before his death, Kennedy declared that he was determined to stop communism’s advance around the world by making the U.S. into the strongest military power on earth. But that wasn’t the only case of Cuban-sponsored terrorism on American soil. The Cuban-backed FALN claimed responsibility for over 140 bombings in the U.S. To this day, FALN terrorist leader William Morales and Black Liberation Army cop-killer Joanne Chesimard are still being protected in Cuba by the Castro regime. A U.S.-based group called the Venceremos Brigade was run by the Cuban intelligence service, the DGI, and included several members of the Weather Underground. Young people on the trips were indoctrinated in the communist philosophy, given terrorist training in Cuba, and advised by Soviet and Cuban intelligence agents. The Weather Underground was responsible for more than 30 bombings in the 1970s, many of them directed at police and police stations. Terrorist leaders Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, who helped launch Obama’s political career in Chicago, still have not been prosecuted for their alleged roles in the 1970 bombing murder of San Francisco Police Sergeant Brian V. McDonnell. A bomb filled with heavy metal staples exploded at the police station and ripped through his body. He was in the hospital for two days, bleeding from his wounds, before he finally died. Attorney General Pam Bondi can reopen this case. On the late evening of Monday, February 28, 1982, four powerful bombs detonated and damaged the New York and American stock exchanges and the headquarters of Merrill Lynch and the Chase Manhattan Bank. UPI reported:
Obama himself commuted the federal sentence of the FALN terrorist leader and founder Oscar Lopez Rivera. The FALN’s 140 bombings included the infamous January 24, 1975, lunchtime attack on Fraunces Tavern in New York City which killed four innocent people. Joe Connor’s 33-year-old father, Frank Connor, was murdered by these terrorists as he peacefully ate lunch with clients. The film, Shattered Lives: Terror in America, tells the story of the families involved in the deeply personal story of the Fraunces Tavern bombing - one of the deadliest acts of domestic terrorism in American history - and the aftermath. “The Cuban regime has long supported acts of international terrorism,” notes Secretary of State Marco Rubio. “We call for the regime to end its support for terrorism, and to stop providing food, housing, and medical care to foreign murderers, bombmakers, and hijackers, while Cubans go hungry and lack access to basic medicine.” To lay the groundwork for the eventual liberation of Communist Cuba, House Speaker Mike Johnson must re-launch the House Committee on Un-American Activities. It was the committee that uncovered dramatic communist infiltration of Hollywood and forced the studios to clean house. The oath of office for members of Congress requires that they support and defend the Constitution of the United States “against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” The House committee is a model for how such a problem can be identified and confronted. Donald I. Sweany, Jr., a research analyst for the House Committee on Un-American Activities and its successor, the House Committee on Internal Security, saw the need for such a committee and issued this statement: “The re-creation of the House Committee on Internal Security will provide the Congress of the United States, Executive Branch agencies and the public with essential and actionable information concerning the dangerous and sovereignty-threatening subversive activities currently plaguing America. This subversion emulates from a host of old and new entities of Marxist/Communist revolutionary organizations and allied militant and radical groups, some of which have foreign connections. A new mandated House Committee on Internal Security is of great importance because it would once again recommend to Congress remedial legislative action to crack down on any un-American forces whose goals are to weaken and destroy the freedoms which America enjoys under the Constitution. In addition, this legislative process will provide public exposure of such subversives.” Under new FBI Director Kash Patel, the FBI can begin probing U.S.-based Marxist groups. And the Congress can help by creating a new House Internal Security Committee. Let’s take some of the USAID money and use it to probe and expose -- and then deport -- anti-American and pro-communist groups on American soil.
Americans For A Safe Israel | [email protected] | 212-828-2424 NEWS RELEASE: February 5, 2025 TRUMP’S GAZA PLAN CAN WORK —IF HE DE-NAZIFIES THE TERRITORY NEW YORK - A leading pro-Israel organization says President Trump’s plan for Gaza can work—if it includes a “deNazification” strategy similar to what the United State did in Germany after World War II. Americans For A Safe Israel (AFSI) is urging President Trump to anchor his plan for reconstruction of Gaza in these de-Nazification steps: — Reform Gaza’s Schools: The U.S. must create a new curriculum for Gaza’s schools, based on peace, tolerance and coexistence with Israel. President Trump needs to tell Gaza’s teachers and principals: You’re Fired! — Outlaw Terrorist Groups: The U.S. must outlaw Hamas and every other terrorist group that has been operating in Gaza—just as the U.S. outlawed the Nazi Party in Germany. — Ban Terror Symbols: The U.S. must ban the flags, publications and all other symbols of Hamas and other terror groups in Gaza—just as the U.S. banned public displays of the swastika and printing of Nazi literature in Germany. AFSI national chairman Moshe Phillips said: “If the Allies had merely rebuilt Germany after World War II, without completely changing German society, it would have been only a matter of time before the Nazis would rise up and again threaten the Free World. That’s why the U.S. insisted on complete deNazification of postwar Germany.” Phillips added: “That’s exactly what President Trump needs to do in Gaza: change the schools, ban the terrorists, eradicate the symbols of terror. Such a complete transformation of Palestinian Arab society is the only hope for a durable Middle East peace. Anything less will ensure that the Palestinian Arabs continue to raise generation after generation to wage war against Israel and the Jewish people.” The Palestinian Removal Act
A READER COMMENTS: It's inhumane to return 2 million people into a war zone. The buildings are all condemned and structurally unsafe. There are chemicals and unexploded weapons throughout Gaza. Look how environmentally unsafe the 9/11 tower area was after it fell, you have all of Gaza like that. It's the right thing to do. By Cliff Kincaid Anybody who thinks a “two-state solution” will solve the Arab/Muslim conflict with Israel is not paying attention. Neither Hamas nor the Palestinian Authority will co-exist with Israel. The only solution is a Palestinian Removal Act, modeled after the Indian Removal Act in the United States, which stopped the Indians from murdering the American settlers and allowed the new nation to develop. This may sound harsh, but it is sometimes necessary to acknowledge that two peoples cannot exist together and in proximity. Israel faces genocidal opposition that can only be resolved by relocating the so-called Palestinians back to neighboring Arab/Muslim states. The Indian Removal Act was a last-ditch effort under President Andrew Jackson to save the American Indians from their own destruction. President Jackson is supposed to be a villain, as communist agitators tried to take down his statue in Lafayette Park near the White House, calling him a “killer” for removing Indians from areas of conflict in the new America to federal safe zones or havens for their own protection. Jackson offered the Indians federal protection. As Robert Remini writes in his book on Jackson, “The Trail of Tears was a terrible price to pay for this legislation but, as Jackson predicted, the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Creek, Chocraws, and Seminole tribes are alive today. They were not annihilated like the Yamassee, Mokawks and Pequote, and other eastern tribes.” In his book on Jackson, Sean Wilentz confirms this, writing, “In completing the removal of the Indians to what he considered a safe haven, Jackson may well have spared them the obliteration that had been the fate of many northeastern tribes.” In other words, the Indians were fighting among themselves, in addition to their wars on the American settlers. By way of analogy, the “Palestinians” have been fighting among themselves, in addition to their campaign to “liberate” Israel from the Jews. Hence, Hamas controlled Gaza and the Palestinian Authority controls the West Bank. But removing Hamas from Gaza does not solve the problem, and the Palestinian Authority is hardly a “moderate” alternative. It is the outgrowth of the old Soviet-sponsored Palestine Liberation Organization. Geert Wilders, leader of the Freedom Party (PVV) in The Netherlands, has suggested the conflict between Palestinians and Israel could be resolved through their relocation to Jordan. “Jordan is Palestine,” he says. In the past, he has put the matter more diplomatically, saying, “The two-state solution is an internal Israeli matter and I hesitate to interfere. But my personal belief is that there is a two-state solution for the Palestinians. One of those states is called Jordan.” Wilders, whose Party for Freedom has emerged as the largest party in the Dutch House of Representatives, proclaims, “Israel is West's first line of defense.” “Long a Bastion of Liberalism, the Netherlands Takes a Sharp Right Turn” proclaims a shocked headline in the New York Times. It can happen here, too. In Israel, it’s important for what the media call the “far-right” to continue to be in charge. It is a matter of Israel’s survival. As we see in this current conflict, many Palestinians are moving south, because of Hamas terrorism against Israel and the military response from the Jewish state, and Biden seems to agree with Israeli authorities that Hamas must not be allowed to return to power there. But Biden still pushes the “two-state solution,” apparently with the other state being controlled by the Palestinian Authority. This is another recipe for genocide against Israel. Both movements are puppets of foreign states. Hamas is controlled by Iran and the Palestinian Authority is controlled by Moscow, the main international backer of Iran. In this context, the words of Geert Wilders, who wrote the book, Marked for Death: Islam's War Against the West and Me, are important and noteworthy. He made the point, “…although defeated Nazi Germany was subject to de-Nazification, there was no de-Marxification after the fall of communism… And without the public accounting of a trial, people tend to forget how evil communism was.” Co-existence with communism is also impossible. It is not, therefore, shocking to discover that communists in the United States are behind the anti-Israel protests. Our media will not tell you this story. But my report on the protests documents with photographs who is really pulling the strings. It will take courage, such as that exhibited by President Jackson during America’s battle with the Indians, to solve these problems. It will not be pretty but it must be done. There is too much hatred for the Jews in the world today. Jew-haters on the borders of Israel with their own state will only mean more death and suffering for both peoples. One thing we know is that a “truce” or a “ceasefire” will only delay the inevitable. The hostage-takers and the terror masters in Moscow and Tehran must be destroyed. Then, and only then, can the “Palestinians” be accommodated in Jordan and Egypt and any other Arab/Muslim state that wants them. *Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. Trump’s Gabbard Pick is a Spy Scandal in the Making
By Cliff Kincaid Trump admits he made a lot of mistakes in his first term. But the biggest by far in his second term has been the nomination of “former” socialist Democrat Tulsi Gabbard as Director of National Intelligence (DNI). At her Thursday confirmation hearing, Republicans joined Democrats in attacking her proposed pardon for former CIA/NSA analyst Edward Snowden, who defected to Russia through Chinese Hong Kong. At least seven members of the committee asked her about Snowden. Those Republicans included Senator Todd Young, a former Marine Corps intelligence officer, who couldn’t understand why she doesn’t consider the traitor to be a traitor. His exchange with her is worth watching. In a major speech several years ago, former Republican Senator Jon Kyl called Snowden “this generation’s Alger Hiss,” a reference to the State Department official who was convicted of perjury in 1950 for denying he was a Soviet spy and served 44 months in prison. Gabbard had proposed a congressional resolution in 2020 “expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the Federal Government should drop all the espionage charges against Edward Snowden.” Yet, as noted in a previous column, President Trump himself had called Snowden a “traitor” and a “spy” who should be executed. Lt. General Michael T. Flynn, his former national security adviser, had declared in congressional testimony that Snowden’s disclosures did “grave damage to the Department of Defense and go far beyond the act of a so-called whistle blower.” He added, “I have no doubt that he has placed the men and women of our armed services at risk and that his disclosures will cost lives on our future battlefields.” Trump’s Secretary of State Marco Rubio said about Snowden, “I think he’s a traitor worthy of federal prison.” In the hearing on Thursday, however, she adamantly refused to call Snowden, now a Russian citizen, a traitor. Extremely mind-boggling was the performance of Senator Tom Cotton, who defended Gabbard and in his opening statement at the hearing didn’t even mention the Snowden case. However, after a bipartisan House Intelligence Committee issued a report in 2016 on what Senator Tom Cotton called “the traitorous activities of Edward Snowden,” he said, “Their report makes clear that Edward Snowden was an egotistical serial liar and traitor whose unauthorized disclosures of classified information have jeopardized the safety of Americans and allies around the world. Snowden’s close and continual contact with Russian intelligence services speak volumes. He deserves to rot in jail for the rest of his life.” The report highlighted the fact that “The vast majority of documents Snowden removed were unrelated to electronic surveillance or any issues associated with privacy and civil liberties” and that “Since Snowden’s arrival in Moscow, he has had, and continues to have, contact with Russian intelligence services.” Snowden has been charged with violating the Espionage Act. Our book, Blood on His Hands, examines the disclosures and concluded it was no accident that the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the rise of Islamic groups like ISIS, the growing Chinese military threat, and U.S. Intelligence Community confusion over the release of COVID-19 followed his defection to Russia through China. Gabbard admits Snowden “broke the law” but still claims he is a legitimate whistleblower. That is a lie. My book includes a chapter by Martin Edwin Andersen, the first national security whistleblower to be given the U.S. Office of Special Counsel’s “Public Servant Award.” Andersen has written that Snowden is not a legitimate whistleblower and that he illegally “leaked massive amounts of national security information” and then fled to Russia, a police state where “real whistleblowers and investigative journalists alike are under continuous threat.” Andersen had worked as an assistant professor of national security affairs at the National Defense University and a lecturer at the U.S. Naval Academy. In an interview I conducted with national security expert Fred Fleitz in 2016, when Obama was being pressured to pardon Snowden, he said he had “no doubt” that Snowden was a “mole” in the U.S. intelligence community who “has been working for Russian intelligence for a long time.” Fleitz is now Vice Chair for the Center for American Security at the pro-Trump America First Policy Institute. Fleitz had told me that the Islamic state (ISIS) terrorist group had “increased its electronic security measures after the Snowden leaks” because “they learned what western intelligence services were capable of” and that, as a result, Snowden “is responsible for the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands of people,” in Islamic terror attacks. He cited a series of ISIS terror attacks in France, including the Normandy church attack in July 2016, in which an elderly priest was stabbed in the chest and his throat was slit, and the Nice, France, truck attack in July 2016, in which at least 84 people were killed and hundreds more were injured. In the case of Snowden’s illegal disclosures, former CIA officer Bob Baer had said, “ISIS has been reading Snowden,” a process that enabled the terrorist group to evade NSA monitoring, capture and behead Americans, rapidly expand, and then take over large areas of territory in the Middle East. The innocent Americans killed by ISIS were James Foley, Steven Sotloff, Peter Kassig, and Kayla Mueller. Very disappointing has been the coverage of Breitbart, which carried a headline highlighting what its reporter Alex Marlow had claimed – that “Tulsi Gabbard Is a Threat to the War Machine Because She Wants a Safer and More Peaceful World.” This is ridiculous on its face. How can world peace be achieved if the Russians steal our secrets and ISIS kills Americans as a result? Another bizarre headline came from John Solomon’s “Just the News” site. It proclaimed, “Trump’s outsider nominees ran the Senate gauntlet and emerged unscathed.” Gabbard's performance was so bad on the Snowden matter that several media outlets said her nomination was in danger. Solomon made no mention of how Snowden’s disclosures helped Russia and Islamic terror groups. When my group America’s Survival held a news conference on the Snowden matter in 2014, we released a statement by Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking official ever to have defected from the former Soviet bloc. He had served as acting chief of communist Romania’s espionage service and top adviser to President Nicolae Ceausescu. He noted that the NSA has been infiltrated by Russian spies before and that Snowden “turned up in Moscow, following in the steps of three other NSA cryptologists: Bernon Mitchell, William Martin and Victor Norris Hamilton. All three had unsuccessfully asked to leave Russia soon after their defection. After the Soviet Union collapsed, Hamilton surfaced in a Russian mental hospital. He had been missing for more than 20 years, but no one in the whole world noticed his disappearance. Let’s hope that Snowden, who also damaged the security of our country, will have the same fate.” When NSA analysts William Martin and Bernon Mitchell defected to Russia in 1960, President Eisenhower labeled them as traitors and former President Harry Truman said they should be shot. Investigations revealed that both young men had been members of the Communist Party and homosexual lovers. The Gabbard pick is a spy scandal in the making. It brings back all the debunked claims about Trump being a Russian agent, even though he once called for the execution of Edward Snowden as a “traitor” who had “given serious information to China and Russia.” Analyst Trevor Loudon believes a communist-inspired “influence operation” has targeted Trump’s inner circle, making another Russia-gate scandal entirely possible, even probable. Trump should withdraw the nomination before it is voted down and conduct an immediate investigation into who recommended her and why.
![]() RFK Jr., Science, and the Golden Age By Cliff Kincaid The Associated Press is still a major source of lies and disinformation, with a recent front-page scare story referring to RFK Jr., Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) as an “anti-vaccine activist.” The article falsely called RFK Jr. “one of the most prominent anti-vaccine activists in the world.” RFK Jr. is one of Trump’s best nominees for he believes in true science. The faux conservative New York Post also hates RFK Jr., even though it claims to be an advocate for Trump’s second term agenda, and wants Senators to vote against his nomination. I don’t like RFK Jr.’s previous views on “climate change,” but that’s not what this nomination entails. Trump has other people dealing with energy and the environment. Some hucksters have warned of “The Great Culling by Vaccine,” a reference to an alleged depopulation scheme, and try to get rich by selling supplements, supposedly to cure health problems. These scams should be rejected. Kennedy’s spokeswoman emphasizes that Kennedy is not “anti-vaccine.” Kennedy told NPR that “we're not going to take vaccines away from anybody. We are going to make sure that Americans have good information right now. The science on vaccine safety particularly has huge deficits, and we're going to make sure those scientific studies are done and that people can make informed choices about their vaccinations and their children's vaccinations.” As people continue to suffer from COVID-19, the China virus, we must consider the issue of vaccine safety on a continuous basis. The China virus came from a country run by a murderous dictatorship during an American election year. President Trump, with access to classified information, clearly understood what was going on and decided that “Operation Warp Speed” vaccines were the only way out. Mandates and lockdowns on the state level were also the result. Many resisted, with good reason, while others took the vaccines and lived, avoiding hospitalization and death. It was a terrible choice we were facing because of Communist China: fear the virus or fear the vaccine. The question for many was and still is what they fear most. Many didn’t trust Fauci, Bill Gates, or Big Pharma. That includes me. But many fear the virus. That’s me, too. I have seen what it can do to people. I don’t necessarily trust the medical or scientific establishments but I also don’t trust the Chinese Communist Party and its military establishment. I believe they tried to poison the world, for the purposes of defeating Trump and destroying the economies of the West. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, identified “gain-of-function” experiments “to breed pandemic superbugs in shoddily constructed, poorly regulated laboratories in Wuhan, China, and elsewhere, under conditions that almost certainly guaranteed the escape of weaponized microbes, in partnership with the Pentagon, the Chinese military and a shady cabal of bioweapons grifters.” It is beyond doubt that various U.S. agencies were involved in these experiments. He was right. While reasonable people acknowledge that Big Pharma has produced many life-saving drugs and vaccines that make our lives better, there are legitimate questions about the safety of some of them. Some are made from controversial ingredients, including aborted baby tissue. A Catholic woman who refused a COVID-19 vaccine for religious reasons was awarded nearly $13 million in damages. She cited concerns about the fetal cells from aborted babies used in the development of the shots. I received several COVID-19 shots and still got a mild version of the disease on two occasions. I continue to be skeptical of government policy dictating that every child should get dozens of doses of multiple vaccines. RFK Jr.’s group Children’s Health Defense estimates that a child receives 50 doses of 14 vaccines by the age of 6, and 69 doses of 16 vaccines by the age of 18. There is a reason why there is a federal National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program to compensate victims of vaccines. Big Government is protecting Big Business from liability for their products. However, I still believe that some vaccines are necessary for human health in general. As the founder of a group once called the Committee to Protect Medical Freedom, I have always been skeptical of some vaccine claims. Vaccines have been taken off the market because of their dangerous side effects. Some injure and kill people. I held a national news conference years ago to oppose a mandatory HIV/AIDS vaccine. As the CDC admits, vaccines have been taken off the market because of their side effects. For example, “In 1955, some batches of polio vaccine given to the public contained live polio virus, even though they had passed required safety testing.” Millions of Americans took polio vaccines contaminated with monkey viruses. The CDC says, “From 1955 to 1963, an estimated 10-30% of polio vaccines administered in the US were contaminated with simian virus 40 (SV40). The virus came from monkey kidney cell cultures used to make polio vaccines at that time. Most of the contamination was in the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), but it was also found in oral polio vaccine (OPV).” The CDC says, “In 1976 there was a small increased risk of a serious neurological disorder called Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) following vaccination with a swine flu vaccine.” A vaccine against diarrhea called RotaShield was withdrawn because it was dangerous to children. CDC says, “The results of the investigations showed that RotaShield vaccine caused intussusception in some healthy infants younger than 12 months of age who normally would be at low risk for this condition.” RFK Jr. is skeptical of some vaccines. So am I. These are legitimate concerns. At the same time, RFK Jr. believes in science, real science. I have witnessed Luddite thinking among some opponents of vaccines. Some of these people are also paranoid about 5G technology, digital currencies, artificial intelligence, cell phones and Zoom technology. Like any vaccine, especially in its infancy, the COVID-19 shots have side-effects that people that they contained microchips or “Mark of the Beast” technology have faded away, to make room for the new “transhumanism” scare campaign. They seem to be following the example of Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber who was sentenced to life in federal prison and died there. Kaczynski was an evil genius who wrote “Industrial Society and Its Future,” which was published in the Washington Post in 1995 to help the FBI locate the anarchist zealot. It worked. He was arrested and convicted of murder. His targets were leaders in science, technology, and industry. He killed three and injured many more. One of the injured victims was David Gelernter, a computer scientist and conservative intellectual who would later write a book about the evil nature of the Unabomber and his philosophy. A 2018 documentary, “Unabomber - In His Own Words,” describes Kaczynski’s admiration for a French anarchist named Jacques Ellul, sympathy for the eco-terrorist movement, and favorable comments about Muslim terrorists waging war on Western society. Tragically, I am starting to see Luddite opposition on the right to the “Stargate” artificial intelligence project announced by the White House. Like any new technology or human growth concept, transhumanism has a good side and a bad side. Transhumanism, sometimes described as the integration of man and machine, has been interpreted to encompass such things as robotic limbs, memory-enhancing brain implants, and gene therapies. Only Luddites would be opposed to procedures to improve longevity and the enhancement of life. At the same time, these people are suckers for those media personalities making sensational but unverifiable claims that vitamins and supplements can cure pain and suffering. The promising new technologies, including those using mRNA technology, do hold out the hope and potential for finding treatments for cancer, ALS, Alzheimer’s, and many other debilitating and fatal diseases. It would be a terrible shame if Trump’s new “Golden Age” of scientific and economic development were derailed by hucksters following the example of the Unabomber.
The Communists Killed Kennedy and the Deep State Covered it Up
By Cliff Kincaid Herman O. Bly, a retired FBI special agent, wrote the 1998 book, Communism, the Cold War, and the FBI Connection, about how he was hired by Dr. Lothar Metzle, who ran the CIA unit known as the Communist International Group (CIG), to investigate assassin Lee Harvey Oswald’s communist connections. After doing so, Bly wrote, “The Warren Report concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald acted as a lone assassin, but I believe the heads of the FBI, CIA, and President Johnson wanted the Oswald case brought to a conclusion as fast as possible as they did not want another crisis with the Soviet Union so soon after the Cuban missile crisis.” This conclusion makes sense. The U.S. Intelligence Community, including the CIA and FBI, engaged in a cover-up regarding the facts about Oswald and his communist connections out of fear of another military confrontation with Soviet Russia. Nuclear war was a very real threat. Ex-communist Ion Mihai Pacepa wrote, Programmed to Kill: Lee Harvey Oswald, the Soviet KGB, and the Kennedy Assassination, a book that explains how Oswald was recruited and programmed to kill by the KGB. This former Romanian intelligence chief, the highest-ranking intelligence official ever to defect from the Soviet bloc, documents that Oswald was recruited by the KGB when he was a U.S. Marine stationed in Japan and that, after defecting to the Soviet Union, he came back to America three years later for the express purpose of killing Kennedy. Even though the Soviets, for their own reasons, subsequently tried “to turn Oswald off,” Oswald went ahead with the plan and was already “programmed” by the communists to kill Kennedy. Oswald had connections to such groups as the Fair Play for Cuba Committee and the Socialist Workers Party. When apprehended, he requested an attorney from the Communist Party USA. The Deep State Still has Trump in the Crosshairs
By Cliff Kincaid President Trump’s broad pardons for the January 6 defendants makes him even more of a target. To a user of X who asked, “Why [do] they want to kill Donald Trump?” Elon Musk had responded, “And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala.” It’s much more sinister than Musk indicated. The issue is whether elements of the Biden/Harris administration were somehow involved in trying to kill Trump and whether they have been covering up the details of their failed attempts. Those “elements” are in the FBI, among other federal departments and agencies. Until Trump’s new FBI director Kash Patel gets confirmed, we have no hope of getting to the bottom of how the Deep State conducts “wet work” against its political enemies. That means Trump’s life is still in danger. Musk deleted the post after that his critics claimed he was somehow encouraging the assassinations of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. That was absurd. He was drawing attention to the fact that Trump has been – and remains – a target of Deep State terror. The latest terrorist attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas indicate the danger remains and may be accelerating. On a recent Rumble program, J.C. Hawkins and I discussed the “uncanny commonalities” between the two attacks, with both having been carried out by U.S. Army personnel. We review the decline in our military under the failed leadership of General Mark Milley and his treasonous interactions with Red Chinese generals. Historically, Hawkins notes, the Army was investigated by Senator Joseph McCarthy for having been a source of communist subversion and even a nuclear spy in America’s atom bomb project. After he started that investigation, he went into Bethesda Naval Hospital for knee surgery and came out in a body bag. The story is told in Hawkins’ book Betrayal at Bethesda III. In retrospect, considering the report of the Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump, the questions become:
New FBI Director Kash Patel must get to the bottom of this. In this context, the NBC News story, “Kash Patel’s potential targets fear his tenure as FBI director,” is very good news. He has them scared. Fearing the worst, the left-wing Politico ran a 2300-word smear of Kash Patel by Ankush Khardori, whose media appearances are mostly on MSNBC, the anti-Trump channel, and who functions as a mouthpiece for those fearing their subversive actions will be uncovered. Khardori understands that Patel was instrumental in uncovering the Deep State plot by the FBI to use Russian disinformation paid for by Hillary and authorized by Obama to frame Trump as a Russian agent. Patel’s book, Government Gangsters, is a must-read for those eager to learn more about the Deep State and how it operates. What is more, he outlines plans to clean house. As such, Patel can analyze the Trump assassination cover-ups currently engaged in by the FBI. These cover-ups are a matter of life and death for Trump – and other officials. That congressional Task Force 180-page report raises far more questions than it answers. Consider the section (Appendix IV) entitled, “Key Outstanding Requests to Agencies,” and what we don’t know about the would-be assassins. The word “outstanding” means the agencies didn’t cooperate. It states that “DOJ and its relevant client agencies (FBI and ATF) provided limited cooperation in certain areas of the Task Force’s investigation.” (emphasis added). The “limited cooperation” in these “certain areas” had to do with their foreign connections and what federal agencies know about them. Interestingly, we find the panel was denied “All documents and information related to any potential connection between the two attempted assassinations on July 13 and September 15, 2024.” (emphasis added). In the case of the would-be assassin and pro-Ukraine operative, Ryan Routh, we learn the task force failed to obtain “All U.S. Customs and Border Protection and DHS HSI [Homeland Security Investigations] documents, records, memoranda, interviews, communications and materials referring or related to Ryan Wesley Routh.” That seems like a curious failure. What is more, we learn that the Task Force did not have:
In addition, the Task force did not have documents and communications referring or related to:
Regarding the other would-be assassin, Thomas Crooks, the Task Force was denied all documents and communications referring or related to:
The pattern here is that both would-be assassins that are dismissed by some as amateurs used encrypted communications. Why would that be? The obvious answer is that they didn’t want their sponsors or handlers to be known. Our media don’t care about any of this, since the target was Trump, and as we saw in the Politico hit piece on Patel, they would prefer these crimes go uncovered and unpunished. Elon Musk, however, has been raising the right questions from the start. When the weaponization of government takes the form of an actual weapon, as it did in the assassination attempts on Trump, he knows there is a problem that must be addressed -- and quickly -- before terror and death from the highest reaches of the federal government strike again, decapitating the federal government at the very top.
The Financial Rise and Moral Decline of Fox News
By Cliff Kincaid The Christmas season was a time to reflect on the Holy Family, as Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are considered a model family, to be copied by Christians. In real life, the model family is in disrepair, especially at the “conservative” news channel Fox. Fox was leading the way in ridiculing Senator Mazie Hirono of Hawaii over her opening questions to Interior Secretary nominee Doug Burgum during his confirmation hearing. She said, “As part of my responsibilities to ensure the fitness of nominees before any of the committees on which I sit, I ask the following two initial questions. First is, since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature? Have you ever faced discipline or entered into a settlement related to this kind of conduct?” Bergum answered “no” to both questions. Hirono is a far-left Democrat who embarrasses herself in public but in this case I don’t think these are unreasonable questions of any nominee, Republican or Democrat. Those questions are being raised at a time when a former Fox host, Pete Hegseth, is scrambling to save his nomination as Secretary of Defense and is fighting to quiet the details of his own sex scandal and several failed marriages. His latest marriage was to a Fox producer. In my column, “Conservative Sex Scandals and Conduct Unbecoming,” I examine the Hegseth scandal, in which it is alleged that he paid a woman to stay silent about their sexual encounter. Even his mother took the side of one of his ex-wives. In addition to Hegseth, three prominent Fox News hosts, Sean Hannity, Jesse Watters, and Ainsley Earhardt, have gone through divorces that have been the subject of sensational headlines, even on Fox News. Hannity and Earhardt are now engaged and we wish them well. In this context, do I dare say it might advisable to start 2025 with a New Year’s Resolution to Make America Moral Again, as proposed by columnist and author Linda Goudsmit? While I am hopeful that MAGA can play a role in turning America around morally, I am doubtful because of President Trump’s decision to back away from his culturally conservative positions on issues like abortion that he proclaimed in 2016. He once believed in the right to life from conception to death. Now he says it’s a state’s rights issue. I am also doubtful that Fox News, which has seen its ratings and profits rise because of the perception it is pro-Trump, will play a role in saving our Republic. The hanky-panky at the channels’ headquarters continues. Randy Engel, the founder of the U.S. Coalition for Life (USCL), thinks that Trump, if he wants to Make America Great Again, should lead a campaign to protect innocent human life. Fox News, presenting itself as a pro-Trump outlet, could help make it possible. “I think that most in the prolife community believe that God protected President Trump from an assassination attempt so that he might gain a renewed appreciation for the priceless gift of life. As President of the United States, he has a unique opportunity to express his gratitude to God by extending that same protection to countless unborn human beings. And there is no better way than backing a no-exception Constitutional Human Life Amendment,” Engel noted. “Whatever else President Trump might accomplish in his second administration,” she said, “history will always consider it secondary in importance to his public decision to help end, not regulate, the ongoing mass extermination of our nation’s progeny.” Wednesday, January 22, 2025, is the 55th anniversary of Roe V. Wade, the ruling that mandated abortion on demand. It was overturned in a subsequent ruling, giving the issues back to the states. Trump once backed the Constitutional Human Life Amendment but has since backed away from it. If America is to return as a pro-life nation, one would think that a news channel proclaiming itself devoted to Christian and conservative values would adopt this pro-life stance. But those pro-lifers looking to Fox News as a beacon of conservative Christian and pro-life values must now expect the worst. The most recent news is that Fox News personality Sean Hannity, a self-proclaimed conservative Catholic, is divorcing his wife to marry another Fox host, Ainsley Earhardt, who had two marriages and two divorces that produced a darling little girl. Hannity has two children. I mention these personal details because the new marriage is being highlighted by Fox News itself as a major development. We are being told that Earhardt is a self-proclaimed Christian who reads Christian books to her child at night and “carries her Christian faith with her as she broadcasts into more than a million homes every morning” on Fox & Friends, notes one Christian publication. The Fox News website highlights her Christian faith and she hosts a Bible Study on the Fox Nation channel, “as she talks faith, family, trials and triumphs with guests from all walks of life.” Fox News reported that Hannity proposed to Earhardt over Christmas at a church, “solidifying their long-term commitment to each other,” and that they “had the blessing and support” from their children, who “couldn’t be happier.” “We are overjoyed and so thankful to our families for all of their love and support during this wonderful time in our lives,” Earhardt and Hannity said. I would say this is putting a happy face on two broken marriages, a story designed to convince Fox viewers that two of their favorite hosts are now living the good life, a Christian life, together. Fox claimed they “bonded over their deep faith, and the two have placed God first in their relationship…” Fox added that both Earhardt and Hannity were previously married and “still get along well” with their ex-spouses and “everyone is supportive of each other,” according to the couple. That’s very hard to believe. It’s none of my business, except for the fact that putting the “Christian” label on this arrangement seems like a stretch. But this is what we are being told by Fox News in a major public relations effort to bless this new union. Sex scandals and adulterous affairs have characterized Fox News since the time when a group of women exposed how Fox founder Roger Ailes sexually harassed attractive women in his employ. His techniques eventually gave rise to the movie “Bombshell.” In my article on Hegseth, I list the 32 mostly conservative figures who are publicly backing a man with serious personal problems who has been indicted by his own mother for abusing women but now says he has found Jesus and is a changed man. We hope for the best for this troubled man, but with Fox News backing him under the circumstances of what’s been happening at the channel for decades, I don’t expect the channel to be the tip of the spear on issues of great concern to Christian conservatives.