Dear Friend of America’s Survival:
These are strange and evil times we are living in. Corruption is all around us. I watched a crime show the other day about the Colorado man, Christopher Watts, who murdered his pregnant wife and two young daughters. He dumped his kids' bodies in oil tanks. He told someone that he was consumed by an evil spirit. I don't doubt it. I am told by a reliable source there are several ongoing cases of exorcism in the United States. According to the Bible, Lucifer said, "My name is Legion, for we are many." The forces of evil are all around us. They occupy positions of immense power and wealth. Let's take a look, shall we? Our report on the border wars -- available on our web site -- involves drug trafficking, sex trafficking across our southern border and the infiltration of terrorists. Customs and Border Protection (CPB) personnel need to be supported and thanked. This scandal involves more than just cheap labor. Certain people -- many associated with international communism and global jihad -- want to destroy the United States. There is also a political angle to this -- the "Brown is the New White" strategy of the "progressives." By the way, the Progressive Party of 1948 was dominated by members of the Communist Party. Deja vu? Here's the new wrinkle. My friend Professor Paul Kengor wrote an article speculating that Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Somali Muslim refugee, may be a Communist. How is it possible for Godless communism to merge with Islam? Read our report, Communists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB. Omar says she is inspired by Angela Davis, the recipient of the Lenin Peace Prize, popular campus speaker, and former Communist Party candidate for vice-president. Tucker Carlson is correct: Omar is “living proof” that U.S. immigration laws are “dangerous.” When President Trump says "go back" to their own countries, he is referring to people like Omar. What we really need is a new (House and Senate) Committee on Un-American Activities to uncover the threat within. But don't count on Rockefeller Republican House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy making any such proposal. Such a panel would probe how Omar got into the United States and who assisted her. One of my great friends, the late Herb Romerstein, worked for the House Committee on Un-American Activities. (I've got many of their reports). The communist Angela Davis is among "10 prominent women" being inducted into a women's Hall of Fame "for their historic achievements." Her fellow inductees, according to a press release, will include U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, actress and activist Hanoi Jane Fonda, and former Democratic member of Congress Louise Slaughter. If you want a hint of what's (and who's) involved in the Jeffrey Epstein pedophilia case, I suggest reading the book by Conchita Sarnoff, entitled, TrafficKing. I predict the prosecutors will use the scandal to try to sink President Trump. Except that Trump was a mere acquaintance of Epstein (they both lived in Palm Beach) and Sarnoff says Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar-A-Lago. By contrast, Epstein had very close connections to Bill Clinton and Ehud Barak, the former Israeli prime minister. Epstein attorney Alan Dershowitz says he flew with Epstein to attend a meeting with Shimon Peres, a former President of Israel, the Prime Minister of Israel, and former vice president of the Socialist International. Another Epstein attorney was Kenneth Starr, the Independent Counsel who supposedly investigated Bill Clinton but covered-up (with the help of a young prosecutor, Brett Kavanaugh) the murder of Clinton lawyer Vincent Foster. Justice on Trial, the new "conservative" book on Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination (a major mistake by Trump), ignores the Foster murder cover-up. By the way, Peres wrote The New Middle East, a sinister scheme that some envision as a plan to transfer Israel's nuclear weapons to the U.N. and give the U.N. control of Jerusalem. That is the plan. That's Iran's goal, too, even as they proceed with their own nuclear weapons program. The deal involves Israel giving its nukes to the U.N. while Iran turns its nukes over to Russia and Vladimir Putin (for safe keeping). If Epstein had intelligence connections, as some reports suggest, what did he use them for? Who did he blackmail? Send me your thoughts at [email protected] Speaking of strange, one of the photos in our slide show has me inside the U.N. Meditation Room, where top officials come into contact with mystical and occult New Age forces. This is a bizarre place. Take a look. This is the House that Hiss built. Soviet spy and State Department official Alger Hiss was a member in good standing of the Council on Foreign Relations. So was Jeffrey Epstein. These are the power brokers who have seized control of America. They are the not-so-hidden elite. They promote their own. They come from the fancy schools. They hate America and all that it stands for. In the name of "diversity" and anti-white bigotry, they intend (as Obama openly said) to "transform" it. Occult or New Age forces are even more powerful than ordinary political groups and political parties. I've literally got 10 different books and videos on the occult forces which helped the National Socialists (Nazis) take power in Germany. ASI understands and interprets Marxism. We are in the "highest stage of capitalism," as Lenin called it. That means currency wars and new currencies. Trump must stand firm against China -- and Russia. If the dollar as a world currency is doomed, our economy and our stock market-dependent pensions go down, too. Not even the Federal Reserve could save us. As businessman Zubi Diamond told us at a major ASI conference, the objective of billionaire hedge fund operator George Soros has always been to loot the United States and crash the U.S. economy. Soros' efforts are ongoing (the name of one Soros appears in the Epstein Little Black Book). We are excited that President Trump has taken up the anti-U.N. cause. It’s something we covered in two books, Global Bondage and Global Taxes for World Government. Much more needs to be done, such as a presidential pardon of Michael New, the Army soldier court-martialed by the Clinton Administration for refusing to serve in the U.N. Army. I co-authored a book about the case, Michael New: Mercenary or American Soldier. President Trump said: “America is governed by Americans. We will never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable global bureaucracy. We embrace the doctrine of patriotism.” Trump:
Is President Trump a biblical King Cyrus character who can deliver the West from certain destruction under a global government controlled by our enemies? Can American financial and economic power stave off defeat? Preservation of American sovereignty, a superior military, and border protection are the keys to U.S. survival. We also need our intelligence agencies purged of traitors. Looking back, we were way ahead of the curve on such matters as the U.N. problem, global jihad, international communism, Obama’s Marxist connections, and corruption in the church. Our last book on Obama, Permanent Revolution, outlined the rise of the New Age Movement, as represented by Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson and Oprah Winfrey, and its influence in the U.S. and globally. This is a movement of mysticism and drugs. Two of our books, The Sword of Revolution and Global Bondage, have been translated and distributed in Brazil, where an anti-communist revolution elected a president, Jair Bolsonaro. His election followed Trump’s victory. President Trump is a good businessman, and he has taken the offensive against the forces of global jihad and communism. But many have no real understanding of the Lenin and Sharia Axis and New Age forces gaining power in the Democratic Party. Trump is a good man, but he doesn’t have the ideological make-up of a Ronald Reagan (please take a look at the photos in our slide show of my visit to President Reagan in the White House and the Reagan museum at Reagan’s alma mater, Eureka College.) Trump's people need to read our book, Permanent Revolution. Consider that, even with a hot economy, Trump can’t break 50 percent in presidential approval. He just noted the left-wing drift of Fox News, something we had documented years ago. Fox News, with liberal openly gay anchor Shepard Smith spouting anti-conservative remarks on a daily basis, is not a counter-balance to the liberal media. Fox even banned criticism of hedge fund billionaire and Democratic Party donor George Soros. The point about the 50 percent mark is that a case can be made that the majority of the American people are already either socialist or New Age in their thinking. That makes his re-election a long shot. With my background in journalism and media criticism, we can play a positive role in public education. We have the institutional knowledge, experience, and the relevant books that document our nation's slide and the way out. But we can succeed only with your help. For America’s Survival, Ciff Kincaid, President
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