![]() Curing the Cancer of Russian Communism By Cliff Kincaid The book Communism for Kids offers a sympathetic look into the communist revolution which has not only destroyed the moral fiber of Russia but is also doing enormous damage to America. For Russia, these are the seeds of its own destruction. Centralization of economic power in the hands of the state is one example of communism in action, also called Marxist praxis. Teaching transgenderism to kids and the Disney company’s embrace of this ideology of family destruction and child sexuality are modern-day examples. Russia has gone through all of this and its people are still suffering. “Russia is not in good health,” notes Professor Renato Cristin of the University of Trieste, Italy, because the economic-financial structure which Vladimir Putin and the oligarchs exploit for their own advantage features an entire social system based on “the antithesis of the spirituality that distinguishes the noblest and most noble and genuine Russian tradition.” On the other hand, the West is also afflicted by a “nihilistic virus” which “produces the same weakness of spirit,” Cristin explains. He adds, “This nihilism is the plague of the West and the East, and whoever succeeds in defeating it will be able to impose peace or, in the undesirable worst case, win the war. We obviously do our best to ensure that the West is the first to eradicate the nihilistic virus.” While Russia is rotten to the core, America is corrupt but still salvageable. Our two-party system still works, and we have enough freedom left to make a difference in what the future holds. For example, the Biden regime is facing the prospect of election losses this year and the president’s son, Hunter Biden, is under investigation. Russia, on the other hand, suffers under the remnants of a Soviet/KGB regime that counts the Russian Communist Party as the second largest political party, behind Putin’s corrupt assemblage of oligarchs, Russian Orthodox priests, nationalists, and KGB officers called “United Russia.” Domestic opponents are jailed or poisoned. Abolition of the Family Unit To understand Russia’s history, consider that the author of Communism for Kids, Bini Adamczak, wrote about how the Russian revolution “instilled new hope, particularly in women and people who did not identify themselves within the hetero-normative paradigm.” We know this is a false hope. However, it was a main goal of the Communist Manifesto – the abolition of the family structure. The “destruction of the family,” she wrote, was indeed the goal. “With the revolution, the right to legal abortion, both sexes’ right to divorce, the decriminalization of adultery, and the annulment of the sodomy law (which had previously prohibited homosexuality) were implemented and enforced,” she explains. Russia was the first country to legalize abortion. Abortion, of course, is a terrible problem in communist countries like Russia and China. Here, as a result of Planned Parenthood and the Supreme Court, tens of millions have died as well, contributing substantially to the nihilism and moral corruption. After a pilgrimage to Stalin’s Russia, Margaret Sanger of Planned Parenthood said, “[W]e could well take example from Russia, where birth control instruction is part of the regular welfare service of the government.” She hailed the Soviet Union’s abortion law, noting that Russia was the first country in the world to give official approval to abortion. “Russia today is the country of the liberated woman,” she announced. Ex-communist Whittaker Chambers recognized how communism was behind abortion, saying, “If the points on the long course of my break with Communism could be retraced, that is probably one of them―not at the level of the conscious mind, but at the level of unconscious life.” He was talking about his wife's pregnancy. Chambers’ awareness and human emotion began the process of unraveling the communist philosophy of atheistic materialism. De-communization This unraveling process, which was underway in Ukraine on a national basis, has been called “de-communization.” Lenin statues were toppled by the hundreds. In Russia, however, such a process has never occurred. Professor Cristin notes, “Since there has not been a legal condemnation of the crimes of the Soviet Union and its satellite regimes (there is no Nuremberg Trial that condemns communism on a juridical, ideological and moral level, as Vladimir Bukovsky and I have proposed), current Russia is built on the structure of the Soviet secret services.” “In the name of millions exterminated in the past, and to safeguard future generations from a recurrence, Nuremberg Trials for Communism must be enacted as soon as possible,” notes the Appeal for Nuremberg Trials for Communism. The immediate concern, of course, is that Putin’s war on Ukraine is reducing the country to rubble. Joe Biden’s approach, providing weapons but no air cover for the freedom fighters, constitutes a Bay of Pigs in Ukraine that could produce a “peace deal” on Russia’s terms and stop the process of de-communization. On a spiritual and religious level, Pope Francis has gone through the motions of what is called the Consecration of Russia to Mary’s Immaculate Heart, which is supposed to stop the “errors of Russia” as revealed in the Fatima revelations of 1917. But this is the pope who was presented an image of the crucified Christ upon the Marxist hammer and sickle and seemed to approve of it. Anything he does on an official basis has to be questioned. Hence, Catholics are now debating whether this action will mitigate the suffering Russia has inflicted on the world through communism. Dr. Srdja Trifkovic, foreign affairs editor of Chronicles, has an interesting article about the loss of great-power status for Russia, as a result of the war on Ukraine. He says Russia will lose the war in a strategic sense, no matter how much damage it does to Ukraine. He concludes the strategic outcome is likely to be a weakened Russia, with Ukrainian dissociation from Russia likely to be the most significant legacy of Putin’s operation, and the long-term decline of Russia as a nation-state. If true, it leaves open the possibility that Putin can be captured, put on trial, and executed, Nuremberg-style. The Destruction of Russia In a provocative article about the country’s problems, including a brain drain, Russian economics professor Vladislav Inozemtsev says a “world without Russia” is “materializing before our eyes” Despite its natural resources, he writes, “Russia has not been able to become the world’s producer of any of important services or critical technologies…Most technology companies founded by Russians in the last decades, from Telegram to Revolut, were created after they had left Russia. The total citation of Russian-speaking scientists living outside the country significantly exceeds the citation of those still working in it.” Today, as a result of the Western sanctions, he explains that Russia will take the form of “a huge space, with barely any airplanes flying over, no money being transferred, no goods making their way in or out; a country whose influence on the world economy is rapidly being reconsidered; a society whose representatives will remain outcasts in the civilized world for decades to come.” He concludes, “A world without Russia, even if anathema to the Kremlin, can only become better than the world in which this once great country played, it would seem, an everlasting role…” *Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org
Reuben G.
4/3/2022 10:47:59 pm
Cliff, in the second paragraph under De-Communization, the phrase in parentheses, should it be “not a” or “has not been” instead of “no a”? Please delete this comment, I just want to offer a hand.
Andy Pep
4/8/2022 02:49:28 pm
2 minutes searching would show you that Putin when first elected cracked down on the oligarchs power. Oligarchs means globalists in the equation. Since then the globalst system has shunned Russia leaving them with natural resources as their only decent money earner.
Andy Pep
4/8/2022 02:55:55 pm
Don Johnson
4/14/2022 08:48:17 pm
Putin does allow millions of immigrants into Russia and Russia has the lowest, or tied for lowest, birth rates of all formerly Christian nations. The muslim immigrants he is letting in have higher birth rates.
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