![]() How Walter Duranty and Tucker Carlson Served Russia By Cliff Kincaid Former President Trump says, “Less than 8 months from now, the great American People are going to vote to FIRE the Radical Democrats.” Among other things, Trump cites Biden’s failure to deter Russia’s “outrageous invasion of Ukraine.” But not so fast. The Republican Party is being seriously damaged by its association with pro-Russian commentator Tucker Carlson of Fox News. It wasn’t Trump who was the Russian agent. However, the test of time proves that some of his supporters are members of the Putin camp. Some say Tucker Carlson is the new Walter Duranty, the New York Times journalist who claimed that Soviet Russia presented no external threat to its neighbors and that the Stalin-induced Great Famine in Ukraine which killed seven to ten million never occurred. Duranty received the Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of life in the USSR, even though his dispatches were cleared by Soviet officials and were thus sanitized of the purges and artificial famines that would kill millions. Duranty’s crimes were exposed by Dr. Paul Kengor in the America’s Survival book, All The Dupes Fit To Print: Journalists Who Have Served As Tools Of Communist Propaganda. In Tucker’s case, he has apparently been misled about Russia through such contacts as Glenn Greenwald, a mouthpiece for NSA/CIA defector Edward Snowden, who defected to Russia through Chinese Hong Kong. Like Duranty’s fake dispatches, Carlson’s pro-Russian commentaries were essential to providing the world a fake Russian narrative about the war in Ukraine and were featured on Kremlin TV. Carlson called the war a “border dispute” that threatened Russia. However, the late anti-communist Brazilian writer and philosopher, Olavo de Carvalho, said that Alexander Dugin, the brains behind Putin’s geopolitical strategy, embraces “genocidal violence” and that Dugin has “advocated the systematic killing of Ukrainians -- a people who, according to him, do not belong to the human species.” As the war in Ukraine continues, we must begin the process of isolating the pro-Russian agents of influence active in the conservative movement, once known for its anti-communism, and understand how a prominent one-time conservative like Carlson went over the edge. Russian infiltration of the conservative movement reflects the same process of communization of society that conservatives once opposed. In 2014, we detected the start of the Russian infiltration of the conservative movement, as various conservative and “pro-family” leaders joined a Russian operative at a National Press Club conference in Washington, D.C. to proclaim Vladimir Putin the Christian savior of the world. The tendency of some “conservatives” to believe this, even as Putin wages war on Ukraine, is one of the best political developments Biden has going for him. A leading “progressive” writer has done a masterful job of painting Tucker Carlson of Fox News as a leading purveyor of Russian disinformation in the media. Biden and the Democrats will be saying that the Carlson example proves that the Republicans have been in bed with Russia all along. Such misleading charges could mitigate Democratic Party losses in the mid-term elections this fall. Personally, Carlson should repent and should consider joining the group from Annunciation parish in Washington, D.C., which has been meeting each Thursday at noon at the gates of the Russian embassy at 2650 Wisconsin Ave NW to pray for an end to the war. As for the liberal media, Duranty's Pulitzer was undeserved and the Pulitzer Board should revoke his prize. Join the campaign to revoke Duranty’s Pulitzer Prize. *Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org
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