![]() New Agers and Russian Agents in the Trump Movement By Cliff Kincaid Most conservatives dismiss the Congressional committee investigating the January 6 pro-Trump demonstration at the Capitol as a partisan crusade. But there is one topic that conservatives should consider investigating – the New Agers in the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement. Some are openly sympathetic to the Russian government, predicting a new “awakening” of humanity with references to space aliens, UFOs, and the end of the world. Constance Cumbey is a Christian author who wrote the original books exposing how the New Age movement was breaking with the Judeo-Christian tradition to instead endorse the notion of God as a mystical force inhabiting humans, the earth, or spiritual “masters.” She also documents how these people are now increasingly on the right and notes that My Pillow’s Mike Lindell has written the foreword to the book, Love Joy Trump - A Chorus of Prophetic Voices, claiming a divine mission for the former president and the QAnon movement. Written by “BethAnon,” the book includes references to the earth goddess Gaia, “disclosure,” space ships, “ascension,” a great awakening, and Russian President and former KGB colonel Vladimir Putin being a “kindred” spirit. Lindell’s web site says: “This is THE book predicting President Trump’s 2nd term,” a development which actually never happened, and the contents include “a collection of prophecies made by prophets, including Kim Clement and Amanda Grace, who frequently receive messages, visions and direct knowledge from God.” Traditional Christianity teaches that God is separate from man and mediation is accomplished through Jesus Christ alone. Journalist Marisa Meltzer notes that the QAnon Shaman, 33-year-old Jake Angeli (born Jacob Anthony Chansley), who was involved in the January 6 pro-Trump demonstration at the national Capitol, exhibits elements associated with “pagan spirituality” and the New Age movement. She came out of this movement and is amazed at the number of right-wing elements now associated with it. In federal documents concerning his arrest and detention in regard to that event, Chansley admits he was the person photographed at Vice President Pence’s chair on the Senate dais, face painted, carrying the spear and wearing a horned helmet. He was a founder of something called the Star Seed Academy, an “Enlightenment and Ascension Mystery School” designed to “help people to awaken, evolve and ascend!” A “Cosmic Gaia” podcast about “Keys for our Ascension" featured Chansley, then going under the name Angeli, claiming the Lord “was watching out for me” and gave him “a profound spiritual experience” through mind-altering drugs, given to him initially at the age of 11 by his father, that included mushrooms and peyote. The podcast host claimed to have come into contact with Angeli at something called the “Disclosure-con” conference, described as a “UFO/Conspiracy/whistle-blower convention.” Another unique treatment of current events that has Christian and New Age overtones comes from Mike Adams of “Natural News,” who refers to the coronavirus representing “the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, with his crown (corona) of thorns (spikes) and the piercing of his hands and feet with spikes (drawing blood.” A popular figure on the right who sells vitamins and dietary supplements, Adams calls this “a metaphor for the planetary crucifixion now being inflicted upon humanity.” He also features conservative journalists such as Alex Newman on his program to talk about such topics as “Deep State Enemies of America Are Anti-Human Occultists.” A strong opponent of the coronavirus vaccines, Adams quotes a character named David Wilcock as the source of the “planetary crucifixion” concept and says, “…just as Jesus rose from the dead and revealed the miracle of resurrection, humanity, too, will experience resurrection and rebirth, following the attempted crucifixion” of the planet. Adams makes this process sound like a Christian phenomenon, but the David Wilcock “disclosure” website seems to be referring to someone or something else, advertising “a powerful insider” who is “coming forth for the first time NOW with expansive, paradigm-shattering information." He offers a six-week online program that “reveals our direct connection to ETs,” Extraterrestrials, or outer space aliens and that, on this basis, a person can learn “how to best prepare yourself for the coming ascension” through supernatural powers such as levitation and telepathy. The author of the book Storm on the Horizon: The New Age, UFOs, and the Cosmic Christ, Christian researcher Sylvia McKelvey McKelvey says that much of this is suggestive of those who anticipate the emergence of a "Cosmic Christ" or world leader who would appear from outer space perhaps in human form and be accepted by the population of the planet as a miracle worker. She discussed these forces on an edition of the America’s Survival TV show, under the title, “The New Agers in the Donald J. Trump Movement.” Looking at the “planetary crucifixion” concept, McKelvey says it appears the adherents believe that, at the end of this crucifixion time, whenever that is, humanity will rise again and experience profound renewal and gifts and wonderful things that will happen in this new existence, whether it be Christ’s return or something else. She says Wilcock’s “disclosure” package is supposed to help the participants raise their consciousness and be in tune through meditation or other spiritual practices to meet ETs, spiritually or otherwise, and then help to save our planet. Proclaiming his own version of a “great awakening” to defeat the Great Reset, Vladimir Putin adviser Alexander Dugin has written a new book claiming “the stage is set for a showdown of truly apocalyptic proportions” against the anti-Christ, giving high praise to “Trumpists” who “do not want to see their country submerged in a one-world, transhumanist dystopia.” A leading “Trumpist,” according to the book, is Alex Jones, a Texas-based radio host best known for claiming that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were an “inside job” by sinister forces other than al Qaeda-inspired Muslims and that the Sandy Hook school shootings were a hoax. Less well-known is the fact that Jones once regularly appeared on Moscow-funded Russia Today (RT) television, diverting attention from the increasingly totalitarian nature of the Russian regime and the military threat that Russia poses to American interests. Dugin, who figures prominently in our book, Back from the Dead: The Return of the Evil Empire, also praises the “American conservative intellectual Steve Bannon,” the former Trump adviser who has stated he will not cooperate with the House select committee investigating January 6. Dugin’s theory of “geopolitical Eurasianism” involves a revival of the Russian empire that includes Communist China and various Islamic elements such as a nuclear Iran. Offering a different perspective, Michael Hichborn of the Lepanto Institute explained on America’s Survival TV how he believes communist forces in the Vatican are planning a "spiritual" period of human history being called the “Great Transition” that will follow the Great Reset. However, he believes that, with God's intervention, a Great Reversal will take place after true Christian believers mobilize against this new global order through prayer and fasting. According to Biblical scholars, a Great Reversal can occur at various times in human history and represents the triumph of good over evil through miraculous means. The battle of Lepanto, in which Christian forces defeated global Islam in 1571, is cited as an example of such a development. In this context, Al Qaeda leader Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, the architect of the post-9/11 anthrax attacks, has promised to establish a global caliphate, citing the “prophetic methodology” guiding his terrorist movement. Al-Zawahiri, revealed by KGB defectors to have been trained by the Russian intelligence services, can arrange this Armageddon from the new Taliban-dominated narco-terrorist state of Afghanistan. The nuclear weapons states of China, Russia, and Pakistan are all backing this new regime. *Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org
11/23/2021 12:49:12 pm
I am not a New Ager or a Russian agent. I am the author of the book Love Joy Trump and am in service to the Lord Jesus Christ, God Almighty, the Holy Spirit, the Awesome loving Creator of All. I suggest you get your own house order by going within the Mercy Seat of the Heart and stay out of other people's most intimate relationship with the One who breathes them.
Richard Peterson
6/22/2023 07:35:33 am
I don't know how you can say with a straight face that Love, Joy, Trump is not filled with New Age ideology from cover to cover. I would be glad to comb through it again and point those out to you if you are sincerely that ignorant and how it measures up to Biblical doctrine. However, I suspect you're more manipulative than ignorant.
6/18/2023 01:27:05 am
Cliff, thank you for a very excellent article -- sorry I didn't find it earlier. Beth Maree aka "Bethanon" from the description of herself at the rear of the LoveJoyTrump book describes herself as an active long term (since 1982) disciple of a Hindu guru: PREM RAWAT. -- google him!.
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