The Communists Killed Kennedy and the Deep State Covered it Up
By Cliff Kincaid Herman O. Bly, a retired FBI special agent, wrote the 1998 book, Communism, the Cold War, and the FBI Connection, about how he was hired by Dr. Lothar Metzle, who ran the CIA unit known as the Communist International Group (CIG), to investigate assassin Lee Harvey Oswald’s communist connections. After doing so, Bly wrote, “The Warren Report concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald acted as a lone assassin, but I believe the heads of the FBI, CIA, and President Johnson wanted the Oswald case brought to a conclusion as fast as possible as they did not want another crisis with the Soviet Union so soon after the Cuban missile crisis.” This conclusion makes sense. The U.S. Intelligence Community, including the CIA and FBI, engaged in a cover-up regarding the facts about Oswald and his communist connections out of fear of another military confrontation with Soviet Russia. Nuclear war was a very real threat. Ex-communist Ion Mihai Pacepa wrote, Programmed to Kill: Lee Harvey Oswald, the Soviet KGB, and the Kennedy Assassination, a book that explains how Oswald was recruited and programmed to kill by the KGB. This former Romanian intelligence chief, the highest-ranking intelligence official ever to defect from the Soviet bloc, documents that Oswald was recruited by the KGB when he was a U.S. Marine stationed in Japan and that, after defecting to the Soviet Union, he came back to America three years later for the express purpose of killing Kennedy. Even though the Soviets, for their own reasons, subsequently tried “to turn Oswald off,” Oswald went ahead with the plan and was already “programmed” by the communists to kill Kennedy. Oswald had connections to such groups as the Fair Play for Cuba Committee and the Socialist Workers Party. When apprehended, he requested an attorney from the Communist Party USA.
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