![]() The Senate Candidate for the Deep State By Cliff Kincaid He is the candidate who abandoned his Catholic faith to make himself a voice for murdering the unborn. No, he is not Joe Biden, although that characterization applies to the current occupant of the oval office. He is Larry Hogan of Maryland, one of the most cynical politicians running in 2024. A true RINO, Republican In Name Only, he is running as a Republican but will likely caucus with the Democrats if he wins his Senate race. He is not even “states’ rights” on abortion, which is Trump’s new position. Hogan is “pro-choice” and will vote to codify the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that allowed abortion on demand nationally but was overturned and sent the issue back to the states. Conservatives in the “Free State” of Maryland are not fooled by Hogan, although I listened recently to Frederick County (Maryland) Right to Life representatives endorse Hogan as the lesser of two evils in the Senate race against Angela Alsobrooks, the Democratic Party candidate. Evil is still evil, noted Fred Propheter, president of the Frederick County Conservative Club, the sponsor of the right-to-life event. If the unborn child is a human being, why permit some states to violate the right to life? Hogan wants abortion legalized on a national basis, ignoring what the states may do. So when you hear that the Republican Party is now “united” under Trump, don’t forget about Larry Hogan. Hogan Hates Trump Former President Donald Trump seemed to reluctantly endorse the former Maryland governor, saying, “Yeah I’d like to see him win.” It was hardly enthusiastic. The favor was not returned. Showing his disdain for the Republican candidate for president, Hogan’s team responded saying, “Governor Hogan has been clear he is not supporting President Trump, just as he didn’t in 2016 and 2020.” Hogan’s campaign is clearly designed to pick up Democrat votes in heavily Democratic Maryland but he is counting on a few Republicans to vote for him as well, despite his hatred of Trump. That remains to be seen. Republicans can decide not to vote for Hogan by putting principle above party. A new poll showing Hogan losing to the Democrat, Angela Alsobrooks, also demonstrates that many Republicans do not have high regard for the former governor. As reported by the Baltimore banner, a new poll “reported that 26% of Republicans view Hogan unfavorably. In a state where Democrats double the number of Republicans, party defectors make Hogan’s hill steeper. About 8% of Democrats view Alsobrooks unfavorably, a smaller proportion of a much larger voting bloc.” But Hogan is counting on Republicans voting for a RINO because of “influential” media personalities such as the ageing and decrepit Brit Hume of Fox News, who propose fooling the voters for raw political power. Way past his prime and fumbling and mumbling on the air like Biden, Hume is trying to keep himself relevant on the cable channel by bashing Lara Trump as “stupid” for having criticized the former Maryland governor. Hogan Versus Lara Trump Lara Trump is now Republican National Committee co-chair and understands that the Republican candidate for the Senate in Maryland is a RINO who made a stupid statement about respecting the kangaroo court verdict in the Donald J. Trump bookkeeping case. Hogan promises to vote like a Democrat but campaigns under the Republican label. He had said people should “respect” the anti-Trump verdict, when any honest observer could easily conclude it was a railroad. Hogan, now campaigning for Democratic votes, hates President Trump and what he represents. He refuses to take accounts of vote fraud in 2020 seriously. When he was governor, he was known as “Lockdown Larry” during COVID, closing churches and keeping pot shops open. His hold on the Republican Party has always been weak, and he is now openly advertising his sympathy with the Democratic Party, even while he retains the Republican label. He is a fraud, pure and simple. He is a Democrat masquerading in Republican clothes. This does not bother Brit Hume, who is playing out his final years in broadcasting by promoting the kind of liberal Republicanism that Trump rejected and which made the GOP synonymous with the elite term “Country Club.” Hogan won the Republican Senate nomination by campaigning as a Trump-stye candidate opposed to open borders. After winning the nomination, he has returned to form, sounding anti-Trump, disavowing Trump’s tepid endorsement, and declaring his faith in abortion, not the Catholic religion in which he was raised. If it had any credibility, the Catholic Church would excommunicate him. Hogan Runs From the Republican Party He says he will not go to the Republican National Convention but went to the state convention to collect the endorsement of the Maryland Republican Party. In short, he is a flip-flopping politician with no principles. If he were honest, he would openly declare himself a Democrat and stop the masquerade. Hume said Lara Trump’s position should be “Please, Mr. Hogan, Please Gov. Hogan, you do whatever you have to do to get elected, and some of the things you say and you believe in don’t agree with what I think, that’s OK, do what you have to do.” Hume said. “That’s how politics is played by smart people.” No, that’s why politics alienates smart voters who want a choice, not an echo. The advice, “Do whatever you have to do to get elected,” is cynicism. It is what Hogan is doing. It is his game plan. But why should the RNC endorse this cynical political strategy? Ordinary Republican contributors would revolt if they saw their money going into his campaign. Supporting Hogan is counter-productive. Hume’s answer is that a Hogan victory might help the GOP take the Senate. Hogan is Really a Democrat But there is nothing to stop Hogan from changing party affiliations once he is elected, from Republican to Democrat or Independent. Consider Senator Joe Manchin, a Democrat turned Independent. Or Bernie Sanders, a Democrat claiming to be an independent. America is at a crossroads, with a Democratic Party already in the Marxist camp and moving even further left, and a Republican Party that is growing more conservative under Trump. Hogan is a backslider, away from conservatism and toward the Democratic Party, even on a matter of life and death, like the right of the unborn. We now understand that Brit Hume thinks having the Republicans control the Senate is more important than having the Republican Party stand for something. Such comments undermine the credibility of Fox News as a “conservative” outlet. Lara Trump had said Hogan’s desire for “respect” of the flawed verdict in the bookkeeping case was a big negative. Hogan, she said, “doesn’t deserve the respect of anyone in the Republican Party at this point, and quite frankly anybody in America.” She could have gone further, noting the evidence that Hogan is appealing to Democrats, not Republicans, to win in Maryland. This not only means his “Republicanism” is questionable but that he lacks character. As such, he would be a Senator from the Deep State, Maryland, where one of the most prominent intelligence agencies, the NSA, is based. Maryland is also home to dozens of defense contractors feeding the Deep State and is scheduled to be the home of the new headquarters of the FBI. The media love Hogan, knowing he is a thorn (or knife) in the side of Trump. After his support for the kangaroo court verdict, Politico ran a story under the headline, “Lara Trump declines to say if RNC will support Larry Hogan after trial comments.” This is supposed to be controversial. Where is it written that because somebody says he is a Republican that he is automatically entitled to financial support from the RNC? The publication added that “Lara Trump and the RNC did not come to Hogan’s defense” after his comments. It was not strange on their part. What is strange is that Hogan is running as a Republican and declared his support for the verdict before it was even rendered. The process was already flawed, as Hogan could easily ascertain, since the judge was a partisan political operative and he ruled out witnesses for the defense, that is for Trump. None of this bothered Hogan. The only way for the party to respond is to reject him and let Hogan run as a Democrat. This is only common sense. Some argue that the Maryland Republican Party should withdraw its support for Hogan and those truly concerned about the right to life should form a group called “Pro-Lifers Against Hogan” to send a real pro-life message. That was my advice to Frederick Right to Life. My other piece of advice concerned a suggestion from a local pro-lifer that they should approach the Catholic Church for financial support, perhaps through the Knights of Colombus. It’s a good group that does Pro-life work but the church as a whole is terribly compromised by the sex scandals. The Archdiocese of Baltimore has declared bankruptcy to avoid paying out too much money to the victims. The real debate should be over what the Republican Party stands for, and whether the true alternative for voters is the Constitution Party, which has a solid conservative platform. Pro-life activist Randall Terry and Pastor Stephen Broden are on the ticket this year, hoping to get on dozens of state ballots. Trump’s so-called “state’s rights” approach, to let babies live or die based on what voters in the states decide, is another major problem for pro-lifers. Either babies have a right to live or they don’t. Third Party Options One can argue that a vote for Terry/Broden is wasted. But voting for Hogan is a wasted vote, too, and yet the “experts” like Brit Hume say winning at any cost for the GOP is the goal of political life in America. That’s only for those willing to sell their souls. It is unfortunate and sad that an “analyst” like Brit Hume has taken the tired road of flacking for the Republican Party no matter what it does and what candidates are claiming to be carrying its banner. A real analyst should try to be objective, ripping the mask off phonies and frauds. Instead, Hume’s mask has already been ripped off, demonstrating his own stupidity and Hogan-like lack of character. He should retire. And so should Hogan.
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