![]() Editor's note: The Trump-Pence campaign reports that "Arnon Mishkin (above) , the director of Fox News’ election decision desk, prematurely called Arizona for Joe Biden before hundreds of thousands of ballots had been counted. Even left-leaning election analysts like Nate Silver have criticized the decision, but Mishkin is standing by his terrible decision despite and refusing to retract his unjustified call. Why would Mishkin put his finger on the scale for Joe Biden before so many votes are counted? Mishkin is a registered Democrat who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, worked as a Democrat political consultant, and has a long record of donating to Democrats, including the 2008 Obama-Biden campaign." The Trump Post-Election Path to Victory By J.C. Hawkins – November 5, 2020 Having just witnessed our national election descend into total chaos, everyday citizens on The Forgotten Street, Main Street USA, no doubt may wonder is there any way President Donald Trump can hang on and get a second term? Yes. We’ll elaborate and explain a little later. From the get-go, The Deep State and their Democrat lackeys had a plan to steal the election sitting on the shelf. When Red China purposely unleashed its China Virus on an unsuspecting world, they dusted off their playbook and immediately revved up the push for mail-in voting. Capitalizing on the panic porn the Elite Traitor Media (ETM) cranked out to scare the public out of in-person voting, Democrats knew they could rely on their time-proven practice of manufacturing votes on election night to wipe out any Republican advantage. What we’re seeing play before our eyes is classic voter fraud. We were warned it was coming when Joe Biden blurted out that his campaign had put together “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” This statement was made in a podcast for former Obama administration staffers, hosted by Dan Pfeiffer, former White House communications director for Barack Obama. Because we don’t have a real news media in the United States anymore, this statement was brushed off as just another Biden “gaffe.” There was no follow-up to ask, “What in the Hell did he mean by that?” In fact, Joe Biden gave the entire campaign playbook away. As we’ve revealed earlier, it’s likely Joe Biden suffers from a medical condition called encephalomalacia. It’s a form of permanent brain damage that affects people after major brain surgery or traumatic brain injury. Damage to the frontal lobe of the brain can cause individuals to have little or no control over what they say or how they behave. They often say whatever comes into their mind, no matter how inappropriate. It often reveals what the person saying it is thinking or knows. Biden’s unusual statements are frequently attributed to his obvious growing dementia. But he’s been saying these sorts of things for much longer, while still a relatively young man. It all started after his two major brain surgeries in 1988. Other signs of encephalomalacia include his strange behavior around women and young girls, as well as his hair trigger temper. A brain damaged, senile old alleged pedophile has no business being the President of the United States. We revealed this condition in an October 7 column. We tried unsuccessfully to interest other media into investigating this possibility. Some of the biggest names in alleged “conservative” media never had the courtesy of acknowledging our overtures, or displaying the curiosity that real journalists should have. However, one true journalist recognized the potential of this revelation and followed up. Internationally-known journalist Cliff Kincaid, founder of America’s Survival, reprinted our column on his website. Today, Cliff has an excellent analysis of the post-election confusion, “Trump Wins Re-election.” In response to all the shenanigans occurring in critical swing states, President Trump has deployed his able legal team, led by Rudy Giuliani and former Florida attorney general Pam Bondi. A call for a recount in Wisconsin is underway and Republicans are trying, thus far unsuccessfully, to gain access to vote counting locations in Detroit, Milwaukee and Philadelphia to make sure everything is on the up-and-up. Shamefully, the ETM has gotten us farther into this mess with their early and unwarranted calls of state victories for Joe Biden in Virginia and Arizona. They’ve even called Wisconsin and Michigan, where vote counting is still underway. How it’s being handled has been challenged. The media designating presidential winners on election night and right afterward is a rigged Deep State process designed to thwart any way to challenge their conclusions. Big Tech, a major Deep State disinformation tool, is censoring people like us on their platforms in a totally criminal way. Fox News was the worst of all this time around. Its decision desk is a total farce, with Democrat consultant Arnon Mishkin (shown above) serving as its director. His arrogance and refusal to accept any challenge to the Arizona decision on Tuesday night was truly disgusting, given the fact that a million votes were still outstanding. Also on board was Devon Shaw, an alleged Republican pollster from Texas, who partnered with Democrat Chris Anderson of Beacon Research in Boston to do Fox News’ alleged “bipartisan” polling this year. Having Shaw anywhere near the decision desk discussions was a blatant conflict of interest. His presence there could be attributed to a desire to slant decisions to justify the polling that was so obviously wrong and designed as disinformation to discourage Trump voters. During the broadcast, Tucker Carlson had the courage to blast Fox News for its dishonesty in the polling and decision desk results. He may be about the last honest journalist left at Fox News. So back to where we started. Does President Trump have a legitimate chance to hold on for a second term? Emphatically, yes. Through his challenges to the vote counts in the key remaining swing states he might be able to solidify a victory. There is still time for recounts to be ordered. There are actually two critical dates before we truly know the identity of the President-Elect. By December 8, all 50 states must have certified final election results. On December 14, The Electoral College will vote to affirmatively choose the President-Elect. Here is where it gets very interesting. Article II, Section 1, of the United States Constitution specifies: “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress; but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.” This clause makes it perfectly clear that state legislatures have the power to select the slate of electors who will vote on the president. In our previous contested election in 2000, The Supreme Court ruled in the landmark Bush v. Gore case that “the State legislature’s power to select the manner for appointing electors is plenary; it may, if it so chooses, select the electors itself, which indeed was the manner used by State legislatures in several States for many years after the framing of our Constitution.” Plenary means: “absolute.” States then granted power to the people to elect a slate of electors through their choice for president. The decision further states: The State, of course after granting the franchise in the special context of Article II, can take back the power to appoint electors. ... There is no doubt of the right of the legislature to resume the power at any time, for it can never be taken away nor abdicated.” It’s worth noting that Republicans control the legislatures in the following key states: Arizona; Georgia; Michigan; North Carolina; Pennsylvania; and Wisconsin. Should they determine the state board of elections has designated electors through a fraudulent process, they have the power to choose the electors who will vote for president. Electors have the freedom to choose whomever they want, regardless of election results. Most folks don’t know that. That’s the kind of political hardball for which Republicans aren’t noted. But it may be totally necessary and justified to protect our constitutional republic from being stolen by voter fraud in major cities controlled by crooked Democrat election officials and mayors. What’s at stake is much more than whether or not Donald Trump continues as president. The very existence of our democratic republic hangs in the balance. When leaving the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787, a woman in the crowd outside shouted to Benjamin Franklin, “Doctor, have we got a republic or a monarchy?” Ben Franklin memorably replied, “A republic if you can keep it.” That’s the challenge we now face. Saving our republic, or devolving into a society governed and ruled by a mob of anarchists and communists. We must pray we honor Dr. Franklin’s wisdom. To let all America know where we stand and how we voted, we must resume and keep up a visible presence through Trump Train parades, rallies, and boat flotillas. Let them know we will never be forgotten again. Thanks for reading! Pray as hard as you can for President Trump and the ultimate salvation of our Republic. The Deep State is ruthless and will stop at nothing to crush us. We must make it clear they will pay a heavy price for even thinking of trying.
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