![]() Trump Makes Bid for Dirty Drug Money Cliff Kincaid Having lived through the Reagan years, I was pleasantly surprised to find that my 18-year-old waitress at a local restaurant had also seen the new Reagan movie and found it “educational.” She had not been around during that period to experience and witness a president who believed in total victory over communism. Reagan famously told his advisers, during the Cold War, “We win. They lose.” It is for this reason – education – that I endorse the film for a second time, hoping that the older generation recommends this film for young people, to understand that communism versus freedom remains the biggest issue of our time. In my opinion, Reagan’s vision of America as the “Shining City on a Hill” is what can motivate the American people to restore our country and indeed ensure its survival. It will not become that “Shining City on a Hill” with more marijuana and mind-altering drugs available to young people, sparking more episodes of psychosis and violence. Yet Trump has not only endorsed marijuana legalization on a nationwide basis (state by state) but also “marijuana banking” legislation, giving the dope dealers access to the big banks, enabling them to expand their businesses. With this announcement on his official Truth Social account, he has made common cause with the stoners and potheads in a desperate bid for campaign cash from the Soros-funded drug legalization movement. The Democrats have been getting that dirty money for years. By contrast, Reagan and his wife Nancy had always stood steadfast against illegal drugs. She famously ran the “Just Say No” campaign. The Cause is Freedom In his farewell address to the nation, Reagan reflected on the "Shining City on a Hill" phrase, which came from John Winthrop, “who wrote it to describe the America he imagined.” Reagan explained, “What he imagined was important because he was an early Pilgrim, an early freedom man. He journeyed here on what today we’d call a little wooden boat; and like the other Pilgrims, he was looking for a home that would be free.” Is that possible today with a Republican presidential candidate endorsing not only abortion in most cases but “recreational marijuana” and the societal wreckage it causes? Records of attendance and money made through ticket sales demonstrate that the American people love the Reagan film, based on The Crusader by Paul Kengor, but the liberal TV critics hate it. It has many lessons for today’s generation and the current Republican presidential candidate, Donald J. Trump. One is that church makes a difference in a young person’s life. Reagan’s father was an alcoholic but his mother was a devout Christian who took him to church on a regular basis, including to listen to a Russian defector. It had a great impact on his life. He graduated in economics from Eureka College in Illinois, not an Ivy League school. His mother advised little Ronnie, when he was a kid, to stand up to bullies. He learned that lesson, guiding him later in life to confront the communists in Hollywood and the communists in Russia. His sense of humor, highlighted in the film, was a great asset, including jokes about how the communist system strangled freedom and initiative. Here, it is not a laughing matter. One of the books Reagan consumed was Witness by ex-communist Whittaker Chambers. His revelations led to the discovery of high-level Russian moles in the federal government, including State Department official and United Nations co-founder Alger Hiss. In the book, Chambers discussed how he went from pro-abortion to pro-life, after understanding the spiritual dimensions of the struggle we are in today. I saw the movie for the second time the other night but most of the audience was older people who lived through the Reagan years, as Reagan defeated a Democratic President, Jimmy Carter, whose policies produced bad economic times, much like today, consisting of high inflation and high interest rates. His famous question was “Are you better off” under Jimmy Carter than before. Reagan beat Carter and then won reelection, crushing Walter Mondale from Minnesota in a landslide. This was preceded by a dramatic scene where Reagan’s advisers are trying to fill his head full of economic numbers for a debate and his wife Nancy replies, “Let Ronnie be Ronnie.” At a cabinet meeting depicted in the film, his budget director advises him to pursue “revenue enhancers” or higher taxes to eliminate the deficit, but Reagan insisted on tax cuts that eventually led to an economic boom, allowing him to pursue the “Star Wars” or Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), to challenge the very foundations of the bankrupt Soviet system. Reagan survived an assassination attempt and his only “scandal” was sending aid to the Nicaraguan freedom fighters and trying to get the release of some American hostages. This was during a time when the Congress assumed a stance in favor of communism’s victory in the Western hemisphere. The “villain” at the time, shown in the film, was former Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North, a Vietnam veteran who did not want to see the Nicaraguan “contras” betrayed like the South Vietnamese. I was honored to work for Ollie North and meet President Reagan twice in the White House, because of working for his favorite newspaper, Human Events. Reagan biographer Paul Kengor appeared at several of our America’s Survival news conferences at the National Press Club. Despite the film and its hopeful message about America’s survival, many of the same problems he confronted have reemerged, since the communists never give up. One of their weapons is drug legalization, now embraced by Trump! Communism Today Because of Reagan, the nature of communism changed. However, it remains a major threat. In Latin America, the communists have taken Nicaragua again and are in control of Brazil. Cuba has been a Russian outpost for decades, a fact that figures prominently in the film, at a time when Democrats, such as President JFK, were anti-communist. Reagan understood that JFK was killed by a Marxist, Lee Harvey Oswald. For his part, Trump recognizes the threat, but unfortunately has backpedaled on many of the social issues, preferring to focus on economics and foreign policy. A businessman, he doesn’t have Reagan’s vision of freedom from communism, based on economic ideas of limited government and traditional social values. Whatever happens in the current presidential race, the true story of Reagan’s rise must be told. This movie does it in a gripping way. As my waitress told me, it was educational. Young people should be encouraged to watch the film, to understand what a philosophy of anti-communism and freedom from government mean in practice. The rest of the story, as you contemplate the Reagan legacy, is that a decision was made by the Russian communists after the fall of the Berlin Wall to drop the communist label and forge ahead under the banner of Russia alone. The deception fooled many conservatives in the West into thinking the rulers had given up vodka and returned to their religious roots. It is a grand deception. Meanwhile, our other communist enemy, Red China, took Hong Kong with the acquiescence of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and now threatens Taiwan. The Reagan film features the Reagan-Thatcher friendship and alliance. But Thatcher was deceived by the forces of global communism. Even with his faults, many former Reagan conservatives will back Trump, knowing that key U.S. government institutions and intelligence agencies seem more preoccupied with defeating Trump’s return to the White House than exposing the “domestic and foreign enemies” that we see everywhere. The film explains how Reagan saw the communists as an external and internal enemy. We must conclude that the high-level communist moles exposed by Whittaker Chambers are back in a big way, dominating the thinking of the CIA, FBI, and the Democratic Party. I believe that Reagan, whose mental decline, and death, are documented in the film, would advise Trump to sharpen his appeal to young people, not by promoting marijuana and abortion, but a positive vision of America as the “Shining City on a Hill.” Despite his pandering to the abortion lobby, gays, and stoners, there is still time for Trump to salvage his campaign before he descends further into the nether reaches of Cultural Marxism and social decay.
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