![]() Vaccine Mandates and America’s Survival By Cliff Kincaid President Reagan’s three-legged stool of modern conservatism is now broken and has been reduced to splinters. He had advocated national defense, free-market economics, and traditional social values as the basis for the conservative movement. But blind opposition to vaccine mandates from the self-appointed conservative elite means the abandonment of their commitment to national security. The Conservative Action Project’s “Memo for the Movement,” entitled, “Conservatives Oppose Vaccine Mandates,” is wrong on national security grounds. A mandate is precisely what we need at a time when the United States has passed the milestone of 750,000 COVID-19 deaths. Yet so-called “conservatives” are joining liberal Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in a campaign to undermine national security by opposing the mandates. Kennedy is usually described as a longtime environmental advocate and lawyer who “sounds the alarm about the climate crisis” and wrote the book, Climate in Crisis: Who's Causing It, Who's Fighting It, and How We Can Reverse It Before It's Too Late. He had warned that President Donald Trump's climate change policies were “turning America into a petrostate.” Conservatives tend to believe that climate change is an academic and scientific fraud designed to deindustrialize America and usher in global government. RFK Jr. was quoted as saying he thinks climate change skeptics should be punished. Now he faces censorship over his anti-vaccine views. Before conservatives get further into bed with RFK Jr., they would be well-advised to look at history. At the time I wrote a column about General George Washington’s imposition of a vaccine mandate on the American Revolutionary War forces, a decision that turned the tide against the British, I said, “The question is to what extent the state should intervene when more than 660,000 have died from the China virus and the disease keeps spreading.” It is spreading. Since then, 90,000 more Americans have died. I have to remind my conservative friends of a simple fact: we are under attack by Communist China. General Washington was facing a similar challenge. Washington believed that the individual had the “right to choose.” That’s what the revolution was all about. But what if the choice affects the future of a nation? That’s our challenge today. First, let’s look at the successful GOP candidates in Virginia. Here’s what they said about vaccines:
Since they were running on a state level, they had the luxury of opposing mandates. On a federal level, where we are dealing with a war and a national security threat, the option of a mandate doesn’t make sense. Biden’s new vaccine mandates may go too far in the private sector and that’s a matter worth debating. But mandatory vaccinations for our troops are justified on national security grounds. Republicans who understand the national security implications favor the vaccine mandate. Representative Mike Rogers (R-AL), Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee, issued a statement on August 9 defending Defense Secretary Austin’s plan to require all members of the military to be vaccinated against COVID-19. He said, “As the secretary stated, a healthy and ready force is needed to confront all the challenges we face. The Department of Defense already requires 17 vaccines to protect members of the military from infectious diseases, including: influenza, measles, mumps, smallpox, and diphtheria. Vaccines protect our men and women, many of whom live in cramped and crowded conditions, from the spread of disease while at home or deployed across the globe. Teleworking isn’t an option for the soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, and guardians who work every day to confront near-peer rivals and non-state terrorists.” He added, “We have already seen COVID-19 affect our readiness downrange. Our adversaries will take any advantage they can over us. We must not allow COVID-19 to be a hindrance on our force. Secretary Austin earlier confirmed that, as of Mid-July, over 70% of active-duty troops had received at least one vaccine shot. That is encouraging news and I hope that number reaches 100% quickly.” The latest data indicate that about 97% of the total force has been vaccinated with at least one dose. The figures are 99% of sailors, 97% of airmen, and 93% of Marines. Among soldiers, the vaccination rate is above 90%. The Conservative Action Project “Memo for the Movement” urges Senators to sign a letter from Senator Roger Marshall, M.D., who is leading Republican Senators in “pledging to oppose ALL efforts to implement and enforce Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate particularly on upcoming spending measures considered by the U.S. Senate.” This is later characterized as affecting private companies. Separately, we are told that Senator Marshall introduced the COVID-19 Vaccine Dishonorable Discharge Prevention Act “to prohibit the Department of Defense from giving servicemembers a dishonorable discharge for choosing not to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.” Does this mean he favors the mandate for the Armed Forces? It’s not clear. And that ambiguity undermines national security. Marshall goes on to say, “As a physician and veteran who is confident that the vaccine has saved countless lives, I believe vaccinating our servicemembers against COVID-19 is an important effort; however, whether or not to receive the vaccine should be a personal choice between an individual and their doctor. Servicemembers who refuse to get vaccinated, and are subsequently separated from the service, should not receive anything other than an honorable discharge. There is no question about it: American heroes should not be treated as felons because of their personal medical choices.” These comments are also ambiguous. By emphasizing the “personal choice,” rather than the national security threat, he’s abandoning the only realistic short-term response, the Trump Warp Speed vaccines, to the China virus. The following rights and benefits are at stake if servicemembers refuse the vaccine and get a dishonorable discharge:
The fact is that we have a volunteer military and that sacrifices are made when a person joins. I wish it were not the fact that a self-defense measure had to be imposed on them. But they signed up to defend our nation. They should do their patriotic duty. This is the message we should be hearing from so-called “conservatives” such as former Trump adviser Stephen K. Bannon. But representatives of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. are appearing with regularity on Bannon’s War Room Pandemic program on Mike Lindell's "Frank Speech" platform. This is the same RFK Jr. who favors the release of his father’s killer, Sirhan Sirhan, from prison. In fact, RFK Jr. doesn’t even believe Sirhan, a Palestinian Marxist, killed his father. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s new book The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, identifies “gain-of-function” experiments “to breed pandemic superbugs in shoddily constructed, poorly regulated laboratories in Wuhan, China, and elsewhere, under conditions that almost certainly guaranteed the escape of weaponized microbes, in partnership with the Pentagon, the Chinese military and a shady cabal of bioweapons grifters.” It’s true that various U.S. agencies were involved in these experiments. It is a bioweapon. But we have an effective response and antidote. These are the Trump Warp Speed vaccines. RFK Jr. should focus on the role of Communist China in this pandemic. That country stands to benefit from his policies on climate change and vaccines. Joining him, some “conservatives” argue the COVID vaccines are “experimental.” Addressing this argument, writer Mark Nevitt noted that Congress passed a law (10 U.S.C. § 1107a) that requires informed consent prior to military members receiving vaccinations issued under an emergency use authorization (EUA). He adds, “But, according to the law, the president can waive this informed consent requirement if he determines that it is ‘in the interest of national security’ to do so… If this informed consent provision is ultimately waived, military commanders can clearly order military members in their command to receive the vaccine.” Janet A. Aker, who is with Military Health System (MHS) Communications, notes that the experimental inoculations ordered by General Washington “were far more primitive - and dangerous - than today's vaccinations.” She explains, “The most common method was to cut a person's skin and rub the minor incision with a thread or cloth contaminated with a less-virulent version of smallpox, which in this case was a strain known as ‘variola.’” She goes on, “Washington knew a mass inoculation campaign could backfire and might cause more disease than it prevented. He also feared the mandatory inoculations would harm recruitment. Nevertheless, after weighing the odds, Washington informed Congress on Feb. 5, 1777, of his plans for a mass inoculation. The general's plans contraindicated a 1776 proclamation by the Continental Congress prohibiting inoculations…” The result: “Washington's strategy was largely successful.” As another writer noted, “General George Washington continued to secretly mandate vaccines for troops who were entering Philadelphia and hadn’t yet been infected by the disease, which eventually helped conquer the epidemic.” It’s simply amazing that various Biden officials are defending the Trump Warp Speed vaccines more than the liberals and fringe characters being featured on Bannon’s program. Too many conservatives are playing a Chinese version of Russian Roulette. Their stance plays into the hands of China Joe. *Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org
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