Do the Crime, Do the Time By Cliff Kincaid Many issues of public importance are now working to the advantage of those forces attempting to evict the Biden regime from power. A big issue is crime. People are living in fear, especially in the major cities. According to polls, people are also scared of war. “Most think what happens in Ukraine matters to life in U.S.,” says a Fox News poll. But in order to sound credible on the issue of crime, the conservative movement needs to clean house of the tough guys on the right who won’t do the time when they are found guilty. Consider Stephen K. Bannon, who was fired by President Trump. He wanted “home confinement” as punishment for being found guilty of contempt of Congress by a jury. He didn’t want to serve time in prison with ordinary criminals. And who can blame him? He doesn’t want to serve his time in a jail cell with rapists and killers. But he has to serve his 4-month sentence somewhere. Bannon refused to testify before the Democratic Party-controlled committee. For doing so, he was convicted by a jury. I still don't understand why he didn't turn the tables on them. He's a good talker. He should have challenged them with his testimony or sued them, as Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano has done. Instead, as a private citizen, Bannon claimed executive privilege, without former President Trump's authority to do so. Bannon thought he could beat the rap. He failed. He should take his punishment like a man. Speaking of crime, criminals, and their victims, consider that the pre-trial hearing, United States v. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed et al., is finally getting underway. I am still hearing from people on the right claiming that Muslim terrorists were NOT responsible for 9/11. The pre-trial proceedings in the case of United States v. Khalid Shaikh Mohammad, Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarek Bin 'Attash, Ali Abdul Aziz Ali, Ramzi Bin al Shibh, and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi, are scheduled for Jan. 14-Feb. 4, 2023. These defendants are charged in connection with their roles in the September 11, 2001, attacks against the United States. It's about time they went on trial. It has taken far too long. There should no doubt about Muslim guilt for 9/11. An Al-Jazeera reporter, Yosri Fouda, interviewed the al-Qaeda architects of 9/11, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and Ramzi bin al-Shibh, and co-authored a book about it entitled Masterminds of Terror. These interviews are the most detailed and indisputable confirmation of al Qaeda’s responsibility for 9/11. They admitted their crimes! Think about the faulty “logic” behind the 9/11 “inside job” theory. If U.S. officials couldn’t even successfully plant evidence of weapons of mass destruction in 2003, in order to justify the war in Iraq, how could they have engineered and staged an elaborate 9/11 attack on America only eight months after Bush took office in January 2001? If we are to believe the 9/11 “truth” movement, the Bush Administration put the plot together and finalized it in a short period of time, secretly using drones, missiles or explosives to attack the Twin Towers in New York City and the Pentagon in the Washington, D.C. area. Don't make excuses for the terrorists. Hold them responsible for their crimes. In this context, it is time to shine the light on Russia’s historical links to Islamic terrorism, known as the Red Jihad. Those who excuse Russia’s invasion of Ukraine do not want to acknowledge that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a former Soviet KGB colonel and his regime is based on the remnants of the old Soviet Union, including its military and intelligence establishment. In a very real sense, Russia is the Soviet Union. That’s why reports of Iranian support of the Russia war in Ukraine are not surprising. Russia sponsors Iran’s nuclear program and considers the regime a Russian ally in the Eurasian geopolitical project conceived by Alexander Dugin. Tucker Carlson was on the air last week complaining about alleged censorship of books by this “Russian philosopher.” But Dugin is much more than that. His vision of “Eurasianism” is a revival of the Russian empire that includes Islamic Iran. In a paper prepared for my group, America’s Survival, former KGB officer Konstantin Preobrazhensky said Dugin has been backed by the KGB and his vision is regarded as a replacement for, or supplement to, the old Soviet ideology. In fact, he writes that “the ideology of Eurasianism was developed by Soviet intelligence in the 1920s and seeded among the Russian immigrants in Europe.” As noted by the late anti-communist Brazilian writer Olavo de Carvalho, who debated Dugin, the Jewish state is regarded by Dugin as “a modern capitalist and Atlantist entity and an ally of American imperialism.” This view helps explain why Moscow backs the government of Iran with weapons, nuclear technology and diplomatic support. You may have noticed the reports, not denied by Tehran, that Iran is supplying drones to Russia to use against Ukraine. There are even reports that Iranians have been in Ukraine to assist Russia with the drone operation there. As if it needs further explanation, this means that we have to support a free Ukraine, resisting Russian and Iranian aggression. But that requires replacement of the Biden regime in D.C., which has failed to give Ukraine the weapons it needs to win to resist Russia and still pursues a Iranian nuclear deal. The phrase, “Do the time, do the crime,” applies to Putin. Globally, Putin should be put on trial in a Nuremberg-style tribunal. For his part, Biden should be prosecuted for his no-win war policy in Ukraine and his constant efforts to renew an Iranian nuclear agreement whereby Russia will somehow safeguard some of the Iranian nuclear material and make sure it doesn’t get used for Iranian nuclear weapons development. The Iranian nuclear threat is in reality the Russian-Iranian nuclear threat. The criminals in Moscow and Tehran must be prosecuted. Those in Washington, D.C. who aid and abet these criminals must be put on trial as well. We need regime change in all three capitals. The phrase, “Do the crime, do the time,” should have universal application. But on the occasion of United Nations Day, October 24, don’t put your faith in the House that Hiss built. Remember that former State Department official Alger Hiss did some time, more than three years in a federal prison, after being convicted of espionage-related charges that amounted to the case that he was the Soviet spy who played a major role in founding the world body. That were the good old days -- when traitors went to prison or were executed for their crimes. · Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.
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