attacks_on_catholic_churches_in_the_us.pdf |
harrisarticleiicomplaint.pdf.crdownload |
trans_rights_brief_20240903160655641_skrmetti_-_conservative_amicus_brief.pdf |
docket.no.dea.1362.civel.app.c.pdf |
08-29-24-cliff-kincaid on Paul Schiffer on Kamala .mp3 |
park_station_bombing_bombing.case.pdf |
inside_a_trump_store_pa_pdf.pdf |
press_release_kamala_harris_report_and_videos_pdf.pdf |
letter-to-director-wray-08162024_on_walz.pdf |
higgins_preliminary-investigative-report-8.12.24.pdf |
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trump__assass_plot_pakistani_24-mj-467_asif_merchant_complaint.pdf |
grathwohl_press_club_july_19_2012_final_white_reds_exploiting_blacks_pdf.pdf |
mark_conger_bus_pdf.pdf |
president_trump_health_update_2_ronny_jackson.pdf |
trump_shooting_gielow.pdf |
rprt-jamison_dohrn_san_fran_murder_plot.pdf |
kennedy_ayers.pdf |
savng_the_lives_of_killers_kincaid_report.pdf |
grathwohl_names_dohrn__2_.pdf |
Park Station rprt-jamison_dohrn_san_fran_murder_plot.pdf |
annual_picnic_event_7-27-24__2_.pdf |
cannon_ruling_on_jack_smith_gov.uscourts.flsd_.648653.672.0.pdf |
minority_report_2025_abortion_republican_party.pdf |
clintons_monument_to_child_abuse_terence_p._jeffrey_july_16_1999_human_events.pdf |
obama_celebrates_anti_police_gay_riots_pdf.pdf |
biden_health- 2023 summary-2.16_23.pdf |
biden_health-summary- 2024 2.28.pdf |
frederick_pride_photos_pdf.pdf |
briefing-request-re-secret-service-petition-053024.pdf |
marked_for_death_final_pdf.pdf |
letter_to_attorney_general_brown_2024_pdf.pdf |
bryn_spejcher_dc_conference_5.20.24_statement__2_.pdf |
curaleaf_investigation_report_redacted.pdf |
re__request_for_mca_records__1_.zip |
soros_wannabe_runs_for_senate_in_maryland_pdf.pdf |
kincaid_leter_on_marijuana.pdf |
stolen_elections_murder_corruption_and_deliverance_pdf.pdf |
eastman.memo__1_.pdf |
port_security_2024-02-29-tms-hrg-testimony.pdf |
biden’s_war_with_iran_comes_to_baltimore_new_pdf.pdf |
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grassley_to_army_-_mello.pdf |
letter_to_fitzwater_on_racist_loan_program_posted_version_pdf.pdf |
duke_indictment___capitol_bombing_1983.pdf |
UFO report aaro_historical_record_report_volume_1_2024.pdf |
why_they_fear_trump_on_line_pdf.pdf |
2024.03.05-brw-letter-to-cuomo.pdf |
2024.03.05-subpoena-to-cuomo.pdf |
the_killing_fields_of_covid_in_america_pdf_.pdf |
Sen Rand Paul cia-follow-up_covid.pdf |
the_super_bowl_of_elections_pdf.pdf |
report-from-special-counsel-robert-k-hur-february-2024.pdf |
scarborough_intern_death_1ddb96f5-3a9e-4bd4-9962-22e6f0475f7c_.pdf |
special_counsels_office_of_john_l._smith_-_statement_of_expenditures_-_november_18_2022_to_march_31_2023_final_7.5.23_v1__1_.pdf |
ga-v-mike-roman-mtdisqualfy.pdf |
Kincaid on Schiffer report 1-25-24-cliff-kincaid.mp3 |
the_communists_globalists_terrorists_and_fellow_travelers_trying_to_jail_president_trump_pdf_jan_22_.pdf |
attorney_general_brown_on_reschedule_cannabis.pdf |
letter_to_speaker_johnson_on_jack_smith_with_signature_pdf.pdf |
the_united_nations_wants_to_jail_president_donald_j._trump_pdf.pdf |
jack_smith_amicus_brief_20231220140217967_us_v._trump_amicus_final.pdf |
attempted_arson_arrest_bwc_233411634.mp4 |
MLK home burning case___233411634_-_combined_reports.pdf |
child_sacrifice_4---canaanite-child-sacrifice---smith-90-125.pdf |
112-14-13-cliff.mp3 |
biden_impeachment_resolution.pdf |
kissinger’s_“china_card”_for_the_new_world_order_8_pager_final_pdf.pdf |
kissinger’s_“china_card”_for_the_new_world_order_8_pager_pdf.pdf |
hunter_indictment_taxes.pdf |
hunter-biden-indictment-1.pdf |
rocha_complaint_1.pdf |
before_china_joe_there_was_kissinger_pdf.pdf |
U.S.-based Marxists marxism_islam_rpt_2012.pdf |
Nov 4 2023 Hamas demo rally_report_final_web_version_pdf.pdf |
strategic-posture-committee-report-final.pdf |
Kincaid on Schiffer _ Iran Israel Russia 10-12-23.mp3 |
vance-ukraine-letter.pdf |
the_big_lie_driving_russian_influence_in_the_conservative_movement_pdf.pdf |
frc__0915_pvss_2023_remarks_by_florida_governor_ron_desantis__r_.pdf |
frc_0915_pvss_2023_remarks_by_president_donald_j._trump_pdf.pdf |
impeachment-inquiry-announcement.pdf |
maryland_cannabis_administration__mca__confirms_investigation_of_russian-financed_marijuana_business_curaleaf_pdf.pdf |
ny_marijuana_complaint.cipc.v.hochul.pdf |
obama_could_make_case_fo_slavery_reparations_at_un.pdf |
8-17-23.mp3 |
where_green_meets_red_august-white-paper-8.14.pdf |
veksel_venona.pdf |
Granholm Oppenheimer s1_oppenheimer_order_12.12.22_signed_by_s1_12-16-2022.pdf |
marijuana_and_cancer_cannabis-_and_substance-related_carcinogenesis_in_europe_-_a_lagged_causal_inferential_panel_regression_study_jox-13-00024.pdf |
fried.v.garland.doj.brief__2_.pdf |
narco-state_california_soros_and_harris.pdf |
lesie_van_houten_executive-report-on-parole-2022.pdf |
Curaleaf ribbon cutting July 1 2023 img_3954.mov |
230501-wes-moore-blind-trust.pdf |
hitler_adolf_0001__1__oss.pdf |
republicans_for_gay_rights_special_report_pdf.pdf |
hedge-funds-push-republicans-to-embrace-homosexual-rights-__new.pdf |
strangely_disappearing_d.c._homosexual_prostitution_ring_story.pdf |
peoples_climate_march_photos_exc_usive_pdf.pdf |
trump_vs._schiff_soros_and_socialism_print_version_pdf.pdf |
abzug__1_fbi_file_summary.pdf |
abzug_file_parat_one.pdf |
abzug_file_part_two.pdf |
abzug_file_part_three.pdf |
Larry Klayman Cliff Kincaid june_03_04.mp3 |
al_lannon_book_review_pdf.pdf |
The Schiffer Report Russian moles in FBI 5-25-23.mp3 |
tabott as Russian dupe _asi_new.pdf |
Strobe talbott World Government _rprt_mccain.pdf |
Durham report.pdf |
RFK Jr. on Cats Roundtable wabc5166545022.mp3 |
Gavin Newsom 1.13.22-sirhan-reverse-decision__1_.pdf |
wethepeople_final_lincoln_and_trump.pdf |
Kincaid on Schiffer report 4-27-23-cliff-kincaid.mp3 |
Kincaid on Schiffer Report 4-20-23.mp3 |
frederick_county.pdf |
frederick_county_conservative_club_pdf.pdf |
marijuana_use_and_violence.pdf |
powers_of_darkness_printed_version_with_end_notes_pdf__1__new.pdf |
letter_to_florida_department_of_education_final_pdf_new.pdf |
arrest_communists_not_trump__march_18_rally__2023_pdf_new.pdf |
Eco terrorism warning |
Abortion Drug Ruling |
fbi_monograph_extremistattackcourts_april-1970.pdf |
how_soros_funds_marxist_lawyers.pdf |
enemy_of_my_enemy_-_single_pages.pdf |
guerrilla_warfare_advocates_in_the_united_states._new.pdf |
arrest_communists_not_trump__march_18_rally__2023_pdf.pdf |
letter_to_florida_department_of_education_final_pdf.pdf |
obamas_mysterious_trip_to_russia.pdf |
protectinginnocence.pdf |
nelson_mandela_specal_report_pdf.pdf |
braungroundhogdayreport2022pdf.pdf |
angleton_separation_of_church_and_state.pdf |
huston_reportpart1_asi.pdf |
huston_reportpart2__asi.pdf |
conservative_leaders_denounce_rino_kevin_mccarthy_pdf.pdf |
king_submits_complaint_to_the_house_ethics_committee_to_request_an_investigation_into_kevin_mccarthy__13_.pdf |
king_submits_complaint_to_the_house_ethics_committee_to_request_an_investigation_into_kevin_mccarthy__7_.pdf |
how_the_vatican_and_the_catholic_bishops_backed_obama’s_socialist_health_care_scheme_.pdf |
sowing_seeds_of_global_government_pdf_.pdf |
powers_of_darkness_printed_version_with_end_notes_pdf.pdf |
libyan-east_german_link_to_lockerbie_bombing_pan_am_103__pdf.pdf |
Vittoria 12522-revised-confidentiality-order_redacted.pdf |
Frosh 111722_motion_to_disclose.pdf |
oppenheimer.pdf |
the_ukrainian_holodomor_1932-1935.pdf |
lawsuit_jfk_records.pdf |
garrison-v-ftx-sdcf-miami_ftx_lawsuit.pdf |
the_revolutionary_socialism_of_soros_adviser_joseph_stiglitz_pdf.pdf |
soros_political_network_chart.pdf |
republicans_covid_death_rates.pdf |
sep_24_25__2_.mp3 |
dbebeed52f1ced218d353360ae720770.22-07-09---letter-to-secdef---marines-at-biden-political-speech-__1_.pdf |
lawsuit-from-doug-mastriano-against-jan-6-select-committee.pdf |
the_big_con_and_9_11_truth.pdf |
asi_rprt_ Harry Hay Kevin Jennings hay_n_jennings.pdf |
bush_gorbachev_award_from_library_bush.pdf |
getman_on_anthrax_attacks.pdf |
lyndonlarouche__1_.pdf |
anthrax_final.pdf |
ips-n-media__cliff_kincaid.pdf |
dunham_fbi_file__destroyed.pdf |
if_stone__proof_soviet_agent.pdf |
communism_in_hawaii_report.pdf |
communism_in_hawaii_report.pdf |
scope_of_soviet_activity.pdf |
nlgrprt1959.pdf |
sds_chart__1_.pdf |
transcript_may_22_edited_version.pdf |
communist_party_usa.pdf |
obama_mentor_took_the_fifth.pdf |
grathwohl_names_dohrn__1_.pdf |
as__rprt_obama_progressive_backers.pdf |
ccds_bckgrnd___committees_of_correspondence.pdf |
communism_and_race_in_america_herbert_philbrick_reduced_resolution__1_.pdf |
the_fbi_file_on_philip_agee.pptx |
the_frank_marshall_davis_collection.pdf |
columbia_journalism_school_duranty_version.pdf |
amerithrax_infiltration_of_us_biodefense.pdf |
the_fbi_is_the_swamp_asi_8_pager.pdf |
bu-supp9_151__1__soviet_origins_of_east_german_intelligence.pdf |
trump_versus_hillary_lawsuit_22048212-0-70029.pdf |
kincaid_fairness-doctrine-special-report.pdf |
how_alex_jones_serves_vladimir_putins_propaganda_apparatus_pdf__final.pdf |
alex_jones_agents_provocatuers_and_he_tea_party.pdf |
personnel_is_policy_obama_pdf.pdf |
potheads_charged_in_murder_of_infant_son_pdf.pdf |
crimo_19-06413_police_report.pdf |
crimo_19-14044_police_report.pdf |
youtube_channel_removed_asi_pdf.pdf |
statement-by-trump-1_rebuttal_to_jan_6_committee.pdf |
obama_nwo.pdf |
a_visit_to_the_farm_of_whittaker_chambers_pdf.pdf |
The Extreme Make-Over of William Ayers: How a Communist Terrorist Became a “Distinguished” Professor of Education, |
al_gore_and_gaia_pdf.pdf |
global_religion_lee_penn_report.pdf |
obama_associate_implicated_in_murder_plot.pdf |
sds_chart.pdf |
wallace_to_ayers_communist_progressive.pdf |
chicago-obama_report_asi.pdf |
hawaii-obama_report_asi.pdf |
walter_cronkite_fbi_foia_documents.pdf |
kamer_rus_testimony_ny_pot.pdf |
violence_case_reports.pdf |
mastriano.pdf |
shooters_terrorists_and_mass_killers_who_used_marijuana_pdf.pdf |
hb_395_victims_of_communism.pdf |
wes-moore-complaint-to-osp-sbe-4522__1_.pdf |
Kathryn Kimball Mizelle gov.uscourts.flmd.391798.53.0_1.pdf |
bill_ayers_comrades_target_mexican-american_youth_for_revolution.pdf |
Climate Change UN ipcc_ar6_wgiii_summaryforpolicymakers.pdf |
lyndonlarouche.pdf |
greitens-i.pdf |
hunter-biden_child_support.pdf |
letter.a.g.garland.march.16.2022.pdf |
usccb-act-of-consecration-of-russia-and-ukraine-to-the-immaculate-heart-of-mary.pdf |
2.7.22_rep._jackson_biden_cognitive_letter.pdf |
hanick_indictment_stamped_redacted.pdf |
eu-collective_christopher_story.pdf |
1_stand-with-ukraine-press-release-02-07-2022_final.pdf |
nyet_act.pdf |
human_cost_of_soviet_communism.pdf |
russian_to_judgment_legion.pdf |
techniques_of_soviet_propaganda_pdf.pdf |
the_role_of_cuba_in_international_terrorism.pdf |
julian_rizo_venceremos_brigade.pdf |
soviet_cuban_connection_in__central_america_and_the_caribbean.pdf |
hogan_impeachment.pdf |
romerstein_from_henry_wallace_to_william_ayers.pdf |
china_drugs_anslinger_testimony.pdf |
Commission on Combating Synthetic Opioid Trafficking |
nsaoig_review_alleged_targeting_media.pdf |
Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation Between the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation |
China Russia Joint Statement Feb 4 2022 2022-02-04_china_russia_joint_statement_international_relations_entering_a_new_era.pdf |
2022-02-01_hawley_letter_to_secretary_blinken_on_ukraine_final2.pdf |
klіеfoth_memo.pdf |
fec_complaint_new_rt.pdf |
hugh_hefner_politics_of_hedonism_pdf.pdf |
budapest_memorandum.pdf |
eussr_bukovsky.pdf |
cronkite_asi_report_pdf.pdf |
report-taxing-extreme-wealth-what-it-would-raise-what-it-could-pay-for.pdf |
bill_ayers_report_mexican.pdf |
barbara_lee_pdf.pdf |
1.13.22-sirhan-reverse-decision.pdf |
king_files_judge_order.pdf |
pig_power_un.pdf |
jesse_helms_on_martin_luther_king_jr._congressional_record_pdf.pdf |
US needs to accept COVID ‘new normal,’ ex-Biden health advisers say |
A recommendation of inoculation, according to Baron Dimsdale's method dr_morgan_on_smallpox.pdf |
colby_postmortem.pdf |
Christmas Message 2021 Pope papa-francesco_20211225_urbi-et-orbi-natale.pdf |
China Initiative letter_to_attorney_general_print_final_version_0908.pdf |
Walter Jones letter re Kevin McCarthy 10.6.15_letter_to_mcmorris_rodgers.pdf |
conservative_leaders_denounce_rino_kevin_mccarthy_pdf.pdf |
Handling Protest, Extremist, and Criminal Gang Activities Among Members of the Armed Forces |
report-on-countering-extremist-activity-within-the-department-of-defense.pdf |
contact_of_lee_oswald_with_a_member_of_soviet_kgb_assassination_department..pdf |
environmental-impacts-of-drugs-one-pager.pdf |
water.and.wildlife.or.weed.december.3.2021_v2.docx.pdf |
20211122_jones_letter.pdf |
mcdanielemail11-15-21.pdf |
stephen_bannon_indictment_clerk_stamped_1.pdf |
davis.cbd.heavy.metals.suit.pdf |
cbd.position.letter.2.14.2020.pdf |
israel_study_nejmoa2110475.pdf |
sars_brain_damage_s41593-021-00926-1.pdf |
CDC natural_immunity_vs_vaccine_mm7044e1-h.pdf |
declassified-assessment-on-covid-19-origins.pdf |
steve_bannon_subpoena.pdf |
jacob_chansley_detention_memo.pdf |
russias_dirty_chemical_secret.pdf |
judgment_carter_v._russia_-_russia_was_responsible_for_assassination_of_aleksandr_litvinenko_in_the_uk.pdf |
common_agenda_report_english.pdf |
repeal_draft_registration_hasc-letter-23jul2021.pdf |
dont-draft-our-daughters-coalition-letter-8-31-2021.pdf |
2019_national_veteran_suicide_prevention_annual_report_508.pdf |
Romerstein communism_and_trade_unions_compressed_new.pdf |
yousif.pdf |
rubio_1bd4e3a619d314417e454545c95b5c4b.08.18.21---rubio-et-al-letter-to-austin-re-afghanistan.pdf |
Christopher Kennedy on Bill Ayers and Sirhan Sirhan mments-on-bill-ayers.pdf |
ayers_dohrn_and_sirhan_sirhan.pdf |
agreement-for-bringing-peace-to-afghanistan-02.29.20.pdf |
petraeus-factual-basis.pdf |
legal action against the Calvert Board of Education and the Superintendent |
lawsuit_against_lindell_powell.pdf |
Tennessee exec-orders-lee83.pdf |
pillars-of-russia’s-disinformation-and-propaganda-ecosystem_08-04-20.pdf |
russia_advisory-apt29-targets-covid-19-vaccine-development.pdf |
corbishley_v._napolitano.pdf |
napolitano_518419225-2021-08-02-complaint-judge-napalatono.pdf |
Cliff Kincaid Liberty roundtable on Lindell Cyber Symposium |
china-task-force-final-report-11.6.20.pdf |
cnsnews.com-anti-vaccine_sentiment_in_france_some_suspect_a_russian_link__1_.pdf |
federal_judge_ruling_on_vaccine_mandates.pdf |
co_vid-19_vaccination_mandates.pdf |
ips_and_the_media.pdf |
ips_and_the_enemies.pdf |
deputy-secretary-of-defense-memorandum-on-unidentified-aerial-phenomena-assessments.pdf |
prelimary-assessment-uap-20210625.pdf |
csa_gru_global_brute_force_campaign_uoo158036-21.pdf |
Cliff Kincaid on Larry Klayman jun_19_20.mp3 |
malley_statement_in_support_of.pdf |
511058781-letter-to-city-leaders-from-fells-point-business-leaders-6-8-21-final.pdf |
biden_medical_summary.pdf |
america-first-caucus-policy-platform-final-2.pdf |
Tell Biden Administration dtc-cover-letter-white-house.pdf |
chinese_investment_in_mexico.pdf |
BLM flags redacted-state-department-doc-1__1_.pdf |
spectator.org-blm_founder_patrisse_cullors_marxist_abolitionist.pdf |
stars_and_stripes_act__malliotakis_.pdf |
lohmeier_2021.05.19_ltr_to_secaf_cso.pdf |
national-biodefense-strategy.pdf |
2021-05-20_letter_to_nih_director_collins.pdf |
q-cfonzone-051821.pdf |
Letter to Haines 2021.05.16_rm_ltr_to_dni_haines_re._covid-19.pdf |
House GOP Intelligence covid-19_and_the_wuhan_institute_of_virology_19_may_2021.pdf |
is_angela_merkel_a_russian_agent_pdf.pdf |
putin_pipeline_bill.pdf |
final-ceec-wh-ns2-waiver-letter.pdf |
nsa-monitor-congress_sanders.pdf |
2021_open_letter_from_retired_generals_and_adm.pdf |
chip_roy_memo on Stefanik |
AIDS Vaccine report.pdf |
Mississippi china-lawsuit.pdf |
Chinese and Russian Vaccine Disinformation efforts study |
DEA dir-008-21_2020_national_drug_threat_assessment_web.pdf |
Cliff Kincaid on Sam Bushman's Liberty Roundtable Hour 2 lrt20210424b.mp3 |
Cliff Kincaid on Sam Bushman's Liberty Roundtable Hour 1 lrt20210424a.mp3 |
kaczynski-johnson_report-09.11.98.pdf |
joint investigation by the World Health Organization and China into the origins of the coronavirus |
christopher_cox_interview_pdf.pdf |
letter.to.surgeon.general.march.2121.pdf |
2021-03-25_letter_to_biden_re_marijuana_employment_policy__1_.pdf |
Judge Silberman on the Media Monopoly |
Cliff Kincaid "Is there hope for America?" |
global-cyber-threat-to-financial-systems-maurer__1_.pdf |
3.17.21_blomme_complaint.pdf |
3.16.21_blomme_arrest.pdf |
vanherck_03-16-21.pdf |
faller_03-16-21.pdf |
DOD promoting-and-protecting-the-human-rights-of-lgbtqi_-persons-around-the-world.pdf |
cruz_letter_to_sec._austin_on_political_campaign_vs_carlson_3-14-21.pdf |
Marxism in the Roman Catholic Church |
Sowing the Seeds for World Government |
I.F. Stone documents |
asi_report_on_louis_sohn.pdf |
2020-dod-china-military-power-report-final.pdf |
steven_Groves_law_of_the_sea.pdf |
haaland_responses_to_qfrs_2-23-21_senr_cmte_hrg.pdf |
haaland2019ethicsreportsecondamendment.pdf |
haaland2019amend.pdf |
haaland2019original.pdf |
Report to Armed Services Committees on Screening Individuals Who Seek to Enlist in the Armed Forces |
Turley on "McCarthyism" witness_testimony_turley_cat_2021.02.24.pdf |
Investigation of COVID-19 Origins at Taxpayer-Funded Wuhan Lab |
garland_sjquestionnaire.mbg.2021.01.26__final__public.pdf |
greenfield_speech.pdf |
012721_thomas-greenfield_testimony.pdf |
Waldron congressional_election_fraud_briefing_4jan2021.pdf |
John Droz on wind turbines |
joiner_v._united_states.pdf |
Complaint against Caldwell etc. |
Former FBI official Caldwell charged in Jan 6 Capitol riot |
gai_cannabis_final.pdf |
marijuana_complaint_california.pdf |
jcs_message_to_the_joint_force_riots.pdf |
cjcs_memo_to_the_joint_force__02jun2020_.pdf |
military-service-by-transgender-persons-and-persons-with-gender-dysphoria.pdf |
stand-down-to-address-extremism-in-the-ranks.pdf |
Letter to McCarthy on Marjorie Taylor Greene |
Rep. Steve King press release on ethics complaint against Kevin McCarthy |
Rep. Steve King complaint against Kevin McCarthy |
Trump’s Response To The Article Of Impeachment |
Biden impeachment charges Greene |
Boebert 01282021_congressional_letter_to_sec_market_manipulation_0.pdf |
hedge_funds_spark_world_revolution_pdf.pdf |
Complaint Filed Against Hunter Biden, Truman Project & Biden Center for Failing to Register As Foreign Agents |
Montgomery Blair Sibley letter to Judiciary on Elizabeth Anna Duke |
Help Bring These Fugitives to Justice |
a senate trial for removal from office of Donald Trump after he already left office, is moot, unconstitutional and utterly void of any legal basis. Taitz |
Avril Haines Senate questionairre |
UN expert: World religions should defer to the authority of UN experts |
oathkeepers.pdf |
afaofpa.org-action_alert__petition_calling_for_the_resignation_of_pa_secretary_of_health_dr_levine.pdf |
Navarro report Volume 2 |
Navarro report volume 3 |
official_petition_5line_2021_newsom.pdf |
China dissent report Zulauf, the intelligence community analytic ombudsman, |
Ratcliffe - Views on Intelligence Community Election Security Analysis |
warner_letter_to_gab.pdf |
sen_mark_warner_social_regulation_of_big_tech.pdf |
FBI Report martin_luther_king_march_12_1968.pdf |
q_anon_believer_marijuana.pdf |
trump_administration_accomplishments--01-15-21.pdf |
Criminal Complaint Sullivan Insurgence USA |
Utah Man Charged in Federal Court Following Events at the United States Capitol |
FBI file on Howard Zinn |
fbi_destroyed_file_on_obama_pdf.pdf |
dunham_fbi_file.pdf |
Parler Sues Amazon For Anti-Trust Violations, Breach of Contract, |
490158946-fact-report-regarding-2020-selections-tnalc.pdf |
IPS worked with Rep. Pramila Jayapal, chair of the Progressive Caucus, to consolidate these priorities into a two-page draft agenda of legislative priorities that is now in the hands of every caucus member. |
marijuana-violence-and-law-2017.pdf |
2020_marijuana_and_violence.pdf |
human_drug_testing_by_the_cia_1977_hearings_before_us_senate.pdf |
declassified_fbi_intelligence_foreign_connections_of_the_weather_underground.pdf |
Thousand Oaks Gunman Ian David Long and marijuana |
Christopher Hull terrorism and violence |
actions-to-improve-racial-and-ethnic-diversity-and-inclusion-in-the-u.s.-military.pdf |
eric_coomer_lawsuit_against_trump_et_al.pdf |
new.jersey.marijuana.lawsuit.12.17.2020_david_evans.pdf |
should_the_nsa_monitor_the_activities_of_congress_pdf.pdf |
nsa_security_practices_1962_hcua.pdf |
vincent_fosters_secret_nsa_binders_and_his_strange_“suicide”_note_pdf.pdf |
edward_snowden’s_communist_and_terrorist_friends_asi_pdf.pdf |
edward_snowden_and_philip_agee_.pdf |
thehumanist.com-humanist_in_the_house_an_interview_with_us_representative_jared_huffman_2020_humanist_of_the_year.pdf |
Navarro report volume 1 |
zuckerberg election meddling.pdf |
Conservatives, Christians, traditional Americans to be re-educated, targeted as Mao did |
EcoHealth Alliance Has Hidden Almost $40 Million In Pentagon Funding And Militarized Pandemic Science |
assange.pdf |
"How Parliament Can Play a Revolutionary Part..." Kozak |
consumer_information_canada_on_marijuana.pdf |
Updates: Billionaire Wealth, U.S. Job Losses and Pandemic Profiteers |
Supreme Court ruling on TExas v Penn |
O'Rourke opposition to Measure 110 |
texas.motion_on_election_fraud.pdf |
Trump’s Constitutional Path to Victory |
The Tobin Tax by Cliff Kincaid |
Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon request a stop of all corona vaccination studies |
Billionaire Bonanza 2020 full report |
censored_by_youtube_word_doc_pdf_new_and_final.pdf |
We the People Final ad |
doha-forum-report-reimagining-governance-multipolar-world-dec-2019-min.pdf |
Fed chair Powell testimony |
486199299-carter-page-filed-complaint.pdf |
reparations-now-toolkit-final.pdf |
What is the Kraken D'Hippolito |
Cliff Kincaid and Larry Klayman |
supreme_court_vs_cuomo.pdf |
presidential_act_of_1963.pdf |
GSA Letter to Biden re transition |
programmed_to_kill_ptk-developing_the_secret_ink.pdf |
wispolitics.com-amistad_project_challenges_presidential_election_results_with_planned_lawsuits_in_six_swing_states.pdf |
amistad_project___complaint.pdf |
Dominion’s vote hack explained in this court document. |
ELECTIONS Federal Efforts to Improve Security and Reliability of Electronic Voting Systems Are Under Way, but Key Activities Need to Be Completed |
maloney_lettr_to_paulson_on_voting_machines.pdf |
The Shocking Truth about Soros Mentor Karl Popper’s “Open Society” Philosophy |
EcoHealth Alliance Orchestrated Key Scientists’ Statement on “natural origin” of SARS-CoV-2 |
Acting SecDef Chris Miller's First Message to the Military |
wisconsin_lawsuit.pdf |
Lin Wood alleges that absentee ballot signature review procedures violate the U.S. Constitution. |
sign.org-the_worlds_first_digital_coup_detat.pdf |
fulton_trump_biden_election_affidavit_favorito.pdf |
The Council for Global Equality transition paper |
Lawsuit over Dominion Voting Systems |
michigan.lawsuit.pdf |
michigan.lawsuit.exhibits.pdf |
WikiLeaks Confidential US Cable on Smartmatic |
Pennsylvania Lawsuit over Vote Fraud |
The Global Civl War - Will the West Survive |
Vatican McCarrick Report |
complaint-costantino-final-with-exhibits.pdf |
affidavit.of.david.g.evans.11.8.2020.mi.pdf |
Tony Shaffer article on Vote Fraud apparatus |
More than 200 former military leaders endorse Trump in open letter |
Explosive photo evidence of alleged vote fraud operation in Detroit, Michigan, from attorney Dave Evans |
Indictment of Priest Zacharias |
Neo-communism and Pope Francis |
CIA Asssassination Plots |
Colleges Under Fire for Foreign Funds |
DOJ moves to drop charges against Russians |
Internet Research Agency Indictment - Department of Justice |
More than 50 former senior intelligence officials claim Hunter Biden emails story “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” |
Interview with Professor Renato Cristin on a Nuremberg for Communist Crimes |
Senate letter to FBI on Hunter Biden laptop |
Justice Clarence Thomas on Section 230 |
Opening Statement at Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing Monday, October 12, 2020. Judge Barrett |
Personhood Alliance Announces Official Position on Vaccine Ethics |
To establish the Commission on Presidential Capacity to Discharge the Powers and Duties of the Office, and for other purposes. |
Vaccines and Abortion |
Plot to "vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services." |
FBI affadavit in support of criminal complaint against Ferrier |
Criminal complaint attempted assassination of President Trump |
Updated HEROES Act summary |
Updated HEROES Act |
Trucks Cmmunicating the Harms of Marijuana |
Obama was briefed on plan to stir up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services |
Jacobson Global Life Campaign Letter |
FBI agent says FBI was part of an exercise to "Get Trump" |
57-page summary of a three-day interview the FBI conducted with Christopher Steele’s so-called “Primary Sub-source” in January of 2017. |
Life Unworthy of Life: How the Choices We Make Will Determine Our Fate Before God |
Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns |
Democrats for Life Ad |
Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Feminist World View |
The Shocking Truth about Soros Mentor Karl Popper’s “Open Society” Philosophy |
Report on Marijuana and Addiction |
My college is robbing me. Here's the bill to prove it. |
China Virus Was Man-Made |
Marijuana and "Social Justice" |
Smart Approaches to Marijuana one-pager on MORE Act |
Russia's Dirty Chemical Secret |
Federal directive on critical race theory |
Task force recommends renaming 49 DC schools, parks and government buildings |
Pierce Bainbridge Statement on Kyle Rittenhouse 8-28-20 |
Why Didn’t Kamala Harris Prosecute Abusive Priests? |
FBI File on Harry Hay Excerpts |
Harry Hay FBI file Part One |
Harry Hay FBI file part two |
Kengor Why Not Cancel Karl Marx? |
West Virginia complaint against Bransfield |
bransfield-complaint.pdf |
Bishop Bransfield offers 'apology', repays $400k to W Virginia diocese |
Former CIA officer Alexander Yuk Ching Ma charged with spying for China. |
Toledo, Ohio priest arrested on sex trafficking charges |
Former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith pleads guilty |
EDUCATION Justice Department Finds Yale Admissions Illegally Discriminated Against Asian American and White Applicants |
In the name of civil liberties, George Soros funds Marxist and pro-terrorist lawyers. Here is the proof. |
DHS Unclassified Report: China Likely Unable To Replace US Soybean Exports |
Carlton Goodlett FBI documents |
How Soros is Orchestrating America's Demise. Summary. |
How Soros is Orchestrating America's Demise |
Sen. Cotton's Saving American History Act |
From One Plantation to Another: The Tainted Red Legacy of John Lewis |
Communism is Winning |
Legalizing Pot Is Social Exploitation Not Social Justice |
George Floyd bodycam transcript |
Kelly Loeffler Letter on WNBA |
Ghislaine Maxwell indictment |
Trump Acting DNI Grenell Promotes LGBT Spies |
Grenell Letter Demands LGBTQ "Diversity" in Intelligence |
John Bolton Supported Candidates |
Judge Lamberth Order on Bolton Book |
Tulsa Mayor Declares 'Civil Emergency' for Trump Rally |
Gorsuch Statements of Support |
Cliff Kincaid June 15, 2020 interview on 1220 AM WHK Salem radio Cleveland |
Cliff Kincaid and Alex Newman on Brannon Howse radio show June 10, 2020 |
Archbishop Vigano Open Letter to Trump |
Marijuana and Violence |
George Floyd Autopsy |
Covid-19 Vaccines and Treatments in Development - Updated May 25, 2020 |
Congressional Letter not to lift fetal tissue ban in pursuit of COVID-19 remedy |
Urge FDA to Develop Ethical Vaccine for COVID-19 |
Maryland complaint in Attkisson v. Rosenstein, et. al. for govt. computer intrusions |
United States Strategic Approach to The People’s Republic of China |
Complaint Filed Against University of Pennsylvania and Biden Center for Undisclosed China Mega-Donations |
Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act |
Trump Letter to Tedros of the WHO |
draft European Union resolution on the Covid-19 response. |
Legal complaint alleges CBD (hemp oil) tests positive for heavy metals, including copper, nickel and lead and also for total yeast and mold. |
CMP and Daleiden Sue Planned Parenthood, Kamala Harris, CA AG Becerra for Violating Civil Rights |
Tesla filed a federal lawsuit in a bid to restart operations |
China's Overseas United Front Work: Background and Implications for the United. States. |
Senator Murray cites “pattern of ethically and morally questionable behavior" by Redfield |
CDC’s current Director Robert Redfield and his then-assistant, Deborah Birx—both Army medical officers—knowingly falsified scientific data |
Statement in support of the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China combatting COVID-19 |
Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) investigates multimillion-dollar Pentagon biological warfare research grant |
Three Republican state lawmakers are among 18 plaintiffs suing Gov. Larry Hogan in federal court, over Maryland's stay-at-home order |
U.S. Probes University of Texas Links to Chinese Lab |
Rep. Blumenauer and nearly three dozen of his colleagues sent a letter to House leadership urging them to make cannabis businesses eligible for SBA programs. |
Challenge to Gov. Wolf’s business closure order now before U.S. Supreme Court |
DOJ Memo: Balancing Public Safety with the Preservation of Civil Rights |
Working Group for Foreign Influences on Research Integrity |
GOP Reps. Urged Trump to Fire NIH Director Collins |
NIH Letter on Foreign (Chinese) influence |
US-China Collaborative Biomedical Research Program |
Biden Campaign Memo Attacks Trump Over Coronavirus |
Mayland Gov Declares Easter Bunny an "Essential Worker" |
Four Michigan sheriffs defy governor |
ADF seeks order blocking Greenville MS ban on drive-in church services |
Justice Department Statement of Interest in Greenville Case |
Pope Francis proposes universal basic income |
Maryand State Police Warn Faith Community About Illegal Meetings |
Revised Recommendations for Reducing the Risk of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Transmission by Blood and Blood Products |
Study proving the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin treatments for coronavirus |
IMF Bailout Through CARES Act |
G 20 Leaders Urge $5 Trillion Global Stimulus |
Cliff Kincaid's Global Taxes for World Government |
UN Security Council Resolution to Fight Spread of Coronavirus |
Economic Recession Leads to Drug Use |
Horizon Advisory Consultants: China's Post-COVID Planning |
Partnering With the U.S. Defense Industrial Base to Combat COVID-19 |
Class-action lawsuit against the Chinese government over coronavirus |
Sen Cramer Letter: Boycott Russian Oil |
U . S. Government COVID - 19 Response Plan March 13, 2020 |
Public Interest Attorney Larry Klayman Sues Red China Over Release of Coronavirus |
FBI Affidavit in the Case of Harvard's Charles Lieber and China |
White House Letter Seeks Origin of Coronavirus |
CDC OFF CENTER. A review of how an agency tasked with fighting and preventing disease has spent hundreds of millions of tax dollars for failed prevention efforts, international junkets, and lavish facilities, but cannot demonstrate it is controlling disease.” |
2/26/2020. Buttigieg is the only candidate other than Bernie Sanders with the potential to win a majority of Democratic voters. |
Trump OMB Letter on Coronavirus |
Letter to Sen. Crapo on the Pro-Marijuana "Safe Banking Act" |
Soros-Funded Progressives Want Psychedelic Medicine |
Top Soros Adviser Identified as Russian Dupe |
Benedict XVI essay: 'The Church and the scandal of sexual abuse' |
Investigate Obama's CIA for Syria Fiasco |
The Next Ilhan Omar Could Be A Kurd |
America's Marxist "Allies" in Syria |
The Biggest Russia-gate Scandal of All |
Cultural Marxism and America’s Moral Collapse |
Europe Remembers Horrors of Nazism AND Communism |
Featured Special Reports |
Official Study: Sex Perverts as Security Risks |
How-to-book on how communists overthrow non-communist majorities and make democracies into dictatorships. |
Impact of Drugs on National Security |
How Clinton Waged War Through Executive Order |
Letter to Trump on Marijuana Legislation |
Pete Buttigieg and the Homosexual Media Cabal |
Cultural Marxism and its Conspirators |
Exchange with Senator Joe Biden over the Law of the Sea Treaty |
Conservative Dupes in the Russia-gate Probe |
Cliff Kincaid: Investigate Obama's Comrades in the Weather Underground |
John Bolton Defends America Against Global Taxes |
Brett Kavanaugh: The Deep State Wears Black Robes |
Tucker Carlson and the Real Victims of Media Censorship |
The Border Wars Plot to Destabilize and Transform America |
Fighting Communism with Socialism Won't Save Venezuela |
Turning Red States Marxist Red |
Smoking Gun: A Report on the U.N. |
Saving the World for Socialism |